An End To Dracula's Bitchfit

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More fear rises in my chest with every step we take closer to the castle. I have no fear for my own life, no worry of what will happen to me if I die, I do not care. I only fear for Alucard, and for Trevor and Sypha. I fear what may happen to Alucard during his fight, I'd seen the lengths Dracula was willing to go through, how he could hurt even his own flesh and blood. I'm afraid I won't be able to help him again when he needs me, like last time. Maybe I'll freeze with fear, or die before we even reach Dracula at all.

The front doors of Dracula's castle are large and made of wood that is hard and splintered under my hands. I was glad for once, that it was nighttime, and the doors would be open without us having to do so ourselves.

Vampires and knights fight in his hall, clanking metal and groans filling the air. There is pause when we step into the castle, every figure freezes where they fight, the air stills, breaths are held. Trevor reaches for his morningstar, and my own hands brush the handles of my axes. "I terrify them, Sypha disorients them, Alucard and Y/N go over the top and we support them." Trevor orders, while Sypha agrees.

Alucard's enchanted sword hands in the air like an omen, prepared to be unsheathed. I'd always liked that he used magic weapons, I thought they were clever. I hate what he was going to use it for. The sword points forward, straight ahead, beckoning us to start the fight. "Begin." Alucard tells us in a single word.

Both the knights and the vampires that were fighting cease their own war and charge toward us, Trevor launching into the fray instantly. Alucard and I kept ourselves a few steps back, enough to gain a running start. Heat erupts at my sides, the hall filling with fire from Sypha. The enemy and ourselves are now separated by a wall of fire, which Alucard and I hope to surpass.

Using my speed, I rush towards the edge of the fire, my leg ready like a spring to launch myself over the flames and above the heads of our attackers. Alucard shifts into the white wolf I recognize well, despite only seeing it a few times previously.

A tall man in gleaming silver armor lunges for me, claws outstretched and ready to claw out my throat. I dodge under and behind him, swinging my face for the small space of neck that is unguarded by a helmet or armor. His head falls forward off his body with the sickening sound of suction being released and hits the floor. One down, I count off in my head. 

Two more soldiers come rushing towards me, from opposing directions. One carries a spear, the other a short sword. The one with the short sword reaches me first, trying to stab me in the heart. I numbly step around his jab and wait for the spearman to get a bit closer. Jumping above their heads, I flip over the man with the spear and wrench it from his hands with my momentum. I curse myself for never being very good at throwing spears, for not practicing more. It can;t be too different from throwing my axes right? I watch the sharp metal tip tear through the first soldier, then the second, before bringing them both crashing to the floor. The one with the short sword has been stabbed through the left side of his upper ribs, while the other was only hit in his shoulder. The second twisted the spear from his shoulder, and prepared to throw it back my way. I slide forward, legs scraping against the cold stone, kicking his legs out from under him. The spear goes awry, hitting a female vampire in the neck. I fumble for the garrote wire and twist it around his neck, the handles still digging harshly into my skin, heaving my own body upright while he writhes on the floor. With another strong pull, his head is divorced from his body.

The other man's shortsword is only a few feet away, I scramble to collect it but more people stand in my path. A knife blade is swung in my direction, slashing across my cheek and narrowly missing my eye. My ax hand swings at another soldier, taking an arm with it. Warm blood sprays at my dress, splattering it crimson. I swing again, hitting them square in the chest this time, hard enough I feel their bones crack and break under the force of it. Axes in both hands now, I throw one into a vampire's head, hearing it thump against their skull before their body is knocked backwards from the impact.

Stitched Up Hearts (Alucard X Fem! reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt