So, So Many Books

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Alucard and I find Sypha in one of the rows of bookshelves, examining the pages and putting them back on the shelves. "I'm surprised you know how to read so well, Sypha." I told her. "For a group that lends verbally I wouldn't have expected it." I want to hold it against Sypha that she had read me so easily the night before, that she compared my emotional state to a well, and in front of Belmont no less. I wanted to hate her for making me seem weak, vulnerable. But then, there was the way she had talked about Alucard, and our relationship. As if our love was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, and suddenly I found that I could hold nothing against her.

"It would have been a poor education if we hadn't been taught to read things to add to our memory stores." she explained, head tilting sideways slightly. "How did you learn to read?"

Again, I found myself needing to explain my past to someone I'd only just met. How aggravating meeting new people was. "I grew up in the church, a few other boys and girls around my age were taken in to work for the church, perhaps grow up to be bishops or missionaries one day. They taught us to read so we could learn the bible and teach it to others." I explained, plucking a book with a dark green cover from the shelf.

"I am coming to the conclusion that my people are idiots. we should have written everything down. "

I laugh at that, so does Alucard. "Everything?" he questions.

"Yes, all the things." she insists, hammering her fist into the palm of her hand, the skin making a soft smack upon contact. "Look at this. There's more in this room than a million speakers could carry across two generations."

"Well, I believe there is something to be said for oral lessons. Someone once told me that History is not something you should have to read about, or have to study, you should just know it. It's nothing more than a collection of stories, she told me. And stories are best when they are told. Like plays being performed instead of read." I smile a little at the memory, placing the book back on the shelf once I discovered it was only about indigenous reptile species of Europe.

"Still all this information, it's insane. And the sheer breadth of information about the castle is staggering."

"But how much of it is useful?" Alucard tips over a book, allowing the pages to flip by, his eyes skimming through words as they go.

"Well I do have questions about Trevors ancestors." Sypha holds up a finger "I found an entire book of spells about, penises." she holds up a secretive hand. I laughed loudly at that one, suddenly remembering I'd stumbled across that particular volume as well.

"You're certain it was one of his ancestors? You didn't find it under his childhood bed?" Alucard raises both his eyebrows with that overconfident smile.

"Stop testing him, Alucard." Sypha sighs, opening yet another thick, dusty book. "That goes for you as well, Y/N."

"But he makes it incredibly easy you must admit." I throw her a look over my shoulder, seeing that she is not as amused by the comment as I am. She must like him too.

"I am concerned I've thrown my lot in with a demented infant." Alucard gives voice to his doubts.

"How dare you speak of your wife that way." I acted incredibly offended, hand fluttering to lay on my chest, knowing very well he was talking about Belmont. "I knew I should have married your father."

Alucard simply rolls his eyes and kisses the tip of my nose gently. "Demented yes, but you are no infant, love."

"I imagine he has similar concerns about the two of you." Sypha tells us, smiling smugly.

"I am also concerned that you enjoy him too much." Alucard shoots back.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" she sends a less than pleased look over to the two of us.

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