Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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"You don't want to join the sparring?" Taka asks me, leaning his bow against the tree I'm sitting against.

"I could, if you feel like dying today." I say dryly. "I won't go easy on you like Alucard will. And I think we all know a dhampir is stronger than a human. You people have fragile little bird bones. It's a wonder you don't break stumbling over a rock."

Taka frowns a little, seeming more put off than actually scared, as if he's disappointed. The thought makes me sick. God I can't stand humans. I suppose, if I thought about it, they weren't all terrible. Synthia was a lovely girl, and Lisa was as close to angelic as this cruel world was ever going to get. But then, they were both dead now, weren't they? Human lives stamped out in the blink of an eye, living examples that no good deed goes unpunished.

I hated the idea of any human blood running through my veins. I was, and I always had been, a monster. A vampire, first and always. Perhaps it's unfair of me to say, to think that I am less human than Alucard, when we were both equal parts human and monster. But he had such a humanity to him.

Sypha's words in the hold come to my mind again, as they had been so often in recent days. How she spoke of Alucard, how she saw his humanity. It pleased me, at least in some regard, to think that Alucard was seen as more human, even if the creatures did disgust me. He deserved that, for he was no monster. Not like me. Sypha's description of me spun around in my head until I was practically dizzy. "But then, there's her. If I hadn't seen myself that she did not burn in the sunlight, I would never guess she had any human inside her." it was true, that's how I thought of myself, but it stung like a slap to the face to hear Syhpa say so.

It's as if me and Alucard were standing on opposing ends of one coin. One side human, one side monster. Though both our blood ran with vampire and human, it was inevitable that we each fell to one side or the other. In the end I suppose that's all we boil down to. In that sense, it was almost ironic. Humans, to me, were more cruel and heartless than any monster. As a collective, a majority. And confusingly enough, my own husband, half vampire, has more humanity than almost any other human I'd met. His father, Dracula, said to be the worst monster on this earth, was not so malicious and cruel. He was a man, just like any other. I had seen him, in love so hopelessly with his wife. So which side of the coin was I? Human, or monster?

Alucard continues his mock battle with Taka and Sumi, cocky as always. He holds a hand behind his back, just like he did when he fought with Trevor. He's always so cocky when he is fighting humans, it would seem. It makes me a little glad to see that he's using one hand to fight these weak humans, but has to use both when he fights me. I suppose, even if I don't trust them, they really are just human. Humans like Synthia... humans like Lisa.

"Why is your sword so long?" Sumi asks, frustrated. "I can't get close." A stupid question. I snort at it, which draws her eyes for half a second.

"You want to get close?" Alucard smiles coyly, I hate it when he does that, because it's so damnably charming. His footsteps are light at a dancer when he prances closer, the hard metal of his blade clanging against Sumi's, the two of them face to face. If I had any patience for these humans it's just dissipate. I'm not used to feeling... jealous. It's not something I'd appreciate getting used to. At least the human seems scared to have him so near, fangs drawn.

Taka tries to take the opportunity to swing his sword at Alucard, but my husband quickly blocks the attack. "Never let a vampire in close. I'm half vampire, half of me wants you to step in close enough I can bite your throat out."

"That's why i have a bow and arrows!" Taka smiles, complaining that Alucard made him get rid of his bow, confiscated by yours truly. Sumi takes the moment of distraction to kick Alucard in the hip, causing him to stumble. Taka takes two words and blocks Alucard's swing. "Get him Sumi!" he laughs, and Sumi jumps onto Alucard's back, the three of them falling onto the ground laughing. Alucard's hand reaches out for my foot, which he can reach since they all fell right in front of the tree I was leaning against. Before I can protest I'm being dragged into the pile, squished between Alucard and Sumi.

"You have both just been eaten by vampires." I inform them sarcastically. "Just for your information."

"No." Sumi says, rolling over onto her back. "We captured them and made them our slaves. Make lunch now."

Alucard laughs, a deep and rich sound that I've always loved hearing. Part of my soul aches, because I'm so used to being the object of his laughter. A witty comment, a clumsy action, it didn't matter. He was always laughing because of something I had done, and I liked it that way. Now it was just so... strange for him to be laughing with someone else for a change. "But I do like that you've remembered to still be human." he tells them. That comment makes me think back to Sypha's words once again. I may be half of what they are, but am I really? Am I not a vampire, through and through, despite my lineage? Is it not what I am, but rather how I am perceived?

"This human could eat lunch too." Taka says, laying on his stomach. His eyes are so dark. I imagined that would be the color of chocolate, a confection I'd only heard about. I found myself wondering exactly how many freckles there were splashed across his nose and cheeks. I wanted to sit him down and order him to let me count each and every one.

I can't waste any more time being angry with Alucard over his choice. It's already been made, and it's clear he isnt going to change his mind. I still don't like it, the whole situation gives me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. However, if Alucard has already made his decision all I can do now is stand beside it.

"All right, fine." alucard agrees. "After which you're going to show me how you attack from a distance. I want to see what I have to work with here." he reaches for his sword handle, only for Sumi to roll over onto his back, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"You're working with hungry people. Carry me to the castle and make lunch, slave." Sumi teases.

"And after that?" Taka asks, as Alucard stands, Sumi riding on his back, her legs wrapped around his slim waist.

"After that I suppose we can look in the armory to see if there's anything that will suit the two of you better." I say boredly. Sumi and Taka's eyes snap to me in surprise. "But if you want to learn magic I won't teach it to you. If Alucard wishes it's his choice. All I'll do is help you find better weapons."

"But first, I will magic you greedy children up with some food." Alucard smiles, carrying Sumi on his back.

"What, do you wish to be carried as well?" I give Taka a dry look, and I can practically see the gears turning in his mind as he tries to figure out if I'm serious or not. His reaction is amusing to me, I feel equivalent to a cat, playing with a mouse. "Hurry up if you don't wish to be left behind." I begin walking, still not entirely pleased with this ordeal. But perhaps, just maybe, I was beginning to accept it. They may be humans, they may be hunters of my kind, but I took refuge in the fear I saw in Sumi's eyes when she was sparring with Alucard. I found comfort in their wide, dark eyes. Prey's eyes. I'd seen those eyes on many men before, I had been a hunter for far longer than they. 

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