Somewhere I Belong

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There is a fountain in Wallachia. It's big, and water spits out the front, spraying a mist that makes rainbows on sunny days. It was one of my favorite places to go, because it was in a part of town that most people didn't go to, as it was more run down and there were rumors of a blood sucking vampire that roamed around there.

Adrian was standing by the fountain, watching as I ran my fingers through the cold water while sitting on its edge. Only the water was not clear as I remember it being, but instead a deep red, thick as if with blood. He looked down at me, his lips curved into a frown. "Is this where you belong?" he asked, looking around at the buildings.

I merely shrugged, not knowing what answer would satisfy him. "Perhaps I do not belong anywhere." I told him, my hand pulling itself away from the water. Still, the redness would not go away where my fingers had touched, they were stained with the liquid. I tried to wipe the wetness from my hand onto my clothes, but they only stained the cloth, spreading into the shirt as if I had been cut at the places my fingers touched.

"This place will not heal you." Adrian told me, watching as the redness continued to soak through my clothes, making them paste to my skin. My arms began to ache, blood running down them and dripping down my elbow, falling into the fountain and leaving ripples in their wake. His slender fingers reach out to glide through the water. In the wake of his pale skin, the water cleared.

When I looked up from the water, I was back at the castle. We were sitting in the library, a fire crackling in its place, as usual. There is no fountain, the blood has been erased from my clothes and my arms. Adrian now sits next to me on the chair, his hands carefully playing with my own. "Promise you won't leave me yet."

It felt like there were little men inside my head pounding on my skull with hammers, and my back was so sore it hurt to move. Good lord I don't think I had ever been so thirsty in my life, my throat was incredibly dry, it was painful to breathe without feeling it scratch. "Fuck." I coughed out, chest spiking with pain each time I did so.

"Drink." Lisa's voice instructed. She gave me a container of water, which I happily downed, chugging so fast, half of it probably ended up dribbling down my chin. Her hand, which had been previously resting on mine while I slept, was removed to take the now empty container back. I waited for her to ask me why I would do that, for her to give me a disappointed look or some sort of lecture. "Adrian was worried about you, you know." Is what she said instead.

"What?" my voice was still hoarse, it sounded almost unfamiliar.

"He came bursting into my room when he couldn't find you, he was beside himself with worry. He's upset, you know." she informed me, her hand grasping mine again. "We all were."

I wanted to let out a laugh at the idea that Dracula was truly affected by my lack of presence, but I refrained. "I'm sorry." I apologized. I hadn't meant to make them worry, it wasn't supposed to happen this way. If god was real, surely he hated me.

"Don't be sorry Y/N. you have nothing to apologize for. You are in pain, I only wish there was something I could do to fix it. Physical wounds I can heal, I can create medicines to restore your body but I am afraid I'm far less skilled in healing the heart." Lisa's big eyes were filled with worry, with concern but pity was nowhere to be seen.

"It's not your fault." I muttered, not able to look her in the eye when she gave me such a face. "I want Adrian to know it has nothing to do with him.'' It's my fault. It was all so tiring, this thing called living. The endless cycle of repetition, and we gain what from it? We all die in the end, no matter how immortal we may be. Lisa will go first, perhaps she will be killed by the church for use of magic, hung as I had seen so many others before. Even if she is lucky, she will die long before her husband or her son. Her hair will gray and her bones will become frail and she will wither away as humans do. Then perhaps Adrian will be next, and eventually even the timeless Dracula, a pillar of knowledge, will fall.

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