The Task Ahead

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"Oh!" I exclaim, clutching the book between my hands and scrambling off the floor. "Trevor!" I call, looking around for Alucard as well. Sypha and I have been pouring over the text in these books for over an hour, finally discovering something useful. It was the beginning of what appeared to be a locking spell for the castle.

"What?" Belmont responds with a bored tone, looking down at a small wooden chest containing knives.

"We found something!" I exclaim, holding the book open to the page we were on.

"When I say what that doesn't mean I would like to ask anymore questions." Trevor responds again, still looking unamused.

"Would you please-" Sypha grumbles in frustration, "just stop!"

"Alright, I'm coming up." Trevor makes his way to one of the ladders that leads into the upper levels of the hold.

"I think we've found a locking spell!" I say, pointing out the passage. "The Belmonts seem to have an entire literature here about the castle, most especially, how it could move around. They tried for centuries to eliminate that advantage."

Alucard looks down on us from the third level of shelves, peering over the railing. I'm afraid it is so old it might break under his weight.

"Right, you can't attack it if it just jumps somewhere else." Trevor adds, walking over to where you and Sypha were situated.

"Precisely, so one of you was clever enough to formulate the majority of a locking spell. Some kind of method to lock the castle down, leaving it open to invasion." I continue to explain. I can't figure out quite how to finish the spell, but Sypha assured me she would be able to write the rest of it.

"Most of it?" Alucard's voice comes from above.

"I can finish the final clauses by myself." Sypha promises, "it's all based on Adamical structures, if Y/N helps me with the language a bit, it should be easy to figure out the rest."

"You keep saying that word." Alucard sighs, climbing down to be on the same floor as the rest of us.

"Adamic is the original human language." Sypha tells him.

"Oh, yes the one spoken by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden!" I snap my fingers, remembering that story.

"But it got split into all the other languages at the tower of Babel by God to prevent human cooperation." Sypha explained further. I remembered that story too, and I also recall questioning why he would do such a thing as a child, not fully understanding the story. I asked why, if God was so selfless and perfect, he would do something to prevent humans from being closer to him. I'd gotten a solid beating for that from the bishop, as well as long lectures from the women about not inquiring on such things, how it was foolish to question our god. I stopped asking after that.

"Is that how you understand that story?" Alucard asks, tilts his head slightly.

"Oh yes." Sypha says quickly and easily. "The speakers are the enemy of God. we live in cooperation and hide our stories inside ourselves so he cannot strike him down in jealousy."

Trevor and Alucard give her questioning looks, but I understand what she means. "I think i'm starting to like you speaker magicians." I smile. "It is as the poets say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And God is my enemy as well." Rumbling is heard above us, and the ceiling shakes. "See? This is what I was told would happen if I didn't participate in singing hymns." I gestured towards the ceiling. The thudding continues, and I hear the sounds of glass shattering.

"That's probably not God." Alucard looks over at me.

"Might as well be, for all I care." I shrug, laying a hand on the blade of my ax.

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