Chapter 1 - The First Day

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After walking for hours and finding nothing but trees and common beach areas, I finally reached a dark and cool cave. I slipped inside, grateful for the shade and relief from the heat. I lay on the stone floor, closed my eyes, and tried to rest. However, I couldn't stop thinking about my current situation and all the questions I had without answers. How had I arrived at this unknown island? Was I truly alone here? Was there any way out of this cave and find help? I sat alert, my heart beating a thousand miles an hour. Was it a dangerous animal I had heard outside or something worse? I tried to listen more attentively, but the noise had disappeared. I decided not to take the risk and stayed still and silent for the rest of the night, feeling lonelier and more terrified than ever. But the noise hadn't completely disappeared. As the minutes passed, I could hear a soft whisper just outside the cave. It was a deep, guttural voice that seemed to be speaking in an unknown language. I tried to understand what it was saying, but the words were strange and unknown to me. I could only distinguish some loose words, such as "kaibutsu" and "dai-kyofu". What did they mean? Who was speaking and why was it so close to me? The whisper continued for hours, without ceasing or resting. I felt trapped and with no way out, not knowing how to escape from this mysterious being. Finally, dawn arrived, and the whisper stopped. I cautiously left the cave, trying not to attract the attention of any creature that might be nearby. I realized that the island was much larger than I had thought and that there were many more strange and dangerous things than I had imagined. But despite the fear and uncertainty, I was determined to find the truth and find a way out of there. I was ready to face any obstacle that came my way and wouldn't let anything stop me.

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