Chapter 19 - The Dark Presence

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I spent hours trying to open the ship's door, without success. I felt exhausted and desperate, not knowing how to escape from there. But then, I began to feel a dark presence around me, as if something or someone was watching me from the shadows. I felt paralyzed and frightened, not knowing what to do. I tried to ignore the sensation and keep trying to open the door, but the presence was getting stronger and more oppressive. Finally, I could resist no longer and turned around to face whatever was there. It was then that I saw a dark, shapeless figure with a malevolent smile on its face. I realized it was the spirit I had defeated earlier, who had returned to take revenge on me. I felt frightened and confused, not understanding how I had survived his defeat. But I could not turn back, I had to fight for my life again. So, I began to scream and beat the spirit with all my might, feeling that I was fighting for my soul. The fight was brutal and exhausting, but I finally managed to defeat the spirit for the second time. Without wasting any time, I got on the boat and started looking for a way to get it underway. I had no idea how to run a boat, but I couldn't just stand there. So, I took a chance and managed to get it moving, away from the island and all the dangers on it. I felt relieved and grateful, knowing that I had survived a terrible experience. But I also felt lost and alone, not knowing where to go or what to do next. So, I decided to just keep going, aimlessly, trusting that luck and fate would lead me to safety.

To be continued in the next book...

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