Chapter 6 - I Woke Up...

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After spending so much time on the island, I was starting to feel a little crazy. The terrifying dreams and the feeling of being followed had affected me more than I wanted to admit. And Bob, the mysterious man I had found in the cabin, had become my only companion and friend. But one day, while we were walking along the beach, Bob disappeared. I searched everywhere for him, calling out his name, but there was no trace of him. Finally, desperate and exhausted, I sat down on the sand and started crying. That's when I saw something that left me speechless. Bob had left a note in a bottle and buried it in the sand. I dug out the note and read it, feeling the world crumbling beneath my feet. Bob had been dead for years, and I had been talking to his spirit all this time.

He dark maze becomes a cursed island.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora