Chapter 11 - The end of the labyrinth

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The labyrinth seemed endless to me, and I felt increasingly lost and desperate. I tried to follow the light, but it seemed total ways lead me to a dark room with no way out. I felt like I was trapped in a spiral of fear and loneliness. But then, I saw a door that was different formal the others. It was larger and lit by a warm, comforting light. I walked up to the door and opened it, feeling a surge of hope wash over my body. On the other side, I saw a beautiful, bright landscape, with green trees and a blue sky. I ran outside and dropped to the ground, feeling the warm sun on my skin and the fresh air in my lungs, I found myself surprised to be back on the island.

He dark maze becomes a cursed island.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz