Chapter 9 - The Mysterious Man

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 After running away from the dark, amorphous figure, I felt frightened and desperate. I didn't know who this man was or what he wanted from me, but something in his gaze told me I couldn't trust him. So, I ran as fast as I could, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. But the mysterious man seemed to know the island well and followed me closely, shouting and calling my name. I didn't know how he knew my name, or where I came from, but I didn't want to stick around to find out. So, I kept running, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

Finally, I came to an abandoned cabin and hid inside, trying to catch my breath and think of a plan. But the mystery man arrived soon after and started banging on the door, shouting that he wanted to talk to me. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to stay quiet and wait for him to leave. But the man didn't leave. Hours passed and he was still there, banging on the door and shouting my name. Finally, exhausted and shaking, I decided to open the door and face him.

But when I opened the door, the man had disappeared. I stood there, confused and wondering what was going on. Was this all crazy, or was it really happening? It was then that I began to remember things from my previous life. Fragments of memories I had forgotten or repressed came back to me with overwhelming force. I remembered my wife and my children, my work and my friends. I remembered the laughter and the tears, the triumphs and the defeats. But I also remembered the moments of loneliness and pain, the times when I felt lost and aimless. It all came crashing over me like a wave and I fell apart, feeling an overwhelming sadness and guilt. What had I done with my life? Why had I let it all pass me by? How could I have been so selfish and blind? I couldn't bear the pain and shame, so I ran away again, trying to escape my memories and myself. I locked myself in a room in the cabin and dropped onto a bed, crying myself to sleep. When I awoke, the sun was already high in the sky and the mystery man had disappeared. I sat up in bed, trying to process everything that had happened. I had remembered things from my previous life that I had forgotten, but I still didn't know how I had gotten to this island or how I could get off it. I decided to leave the cabin and explore some more, but I got a big shock.

He dark maze becomes a cursed island.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora