Liam Imagine

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If you want the full effect listen to: To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

It was an early morning in July as Liam Payne walked down a cobble stone rode. There were beautiful tulips blooming and birds chirping from the trees in the distance. He inhaled deeply and a smile spread across his lips as he came closer to his four best friends, Louis, Niall, Harry and Zayn. Liam sat down in the grass next to them and whispered a quiet "Hello boys." The wind started to pick up an blow softly against Liam's skin. He chuckled to himself. "Oh Niall! Before I forget, I brought this for you." Liam said, placing a small four leaf clover down next to Niall. "Thought you might like it." The boys all sat together for what seemed like hours beneath the rising sun. It grew in the sky and blazed down over them, making Liam sweat. It hadn't been this hot in England in a while.  He didn't mind the heat though. It felt good against his face. "So I was thinking the other day," Liam laughed as he spoke to all four of the boys, "remember the time you slipped on the cake Harry? That really gave me such a laugh." All day they sat there, reminiscing on the old times that they had during the first few shows. The first interviews and the first photo shoots had long since faded from their memories though. It was hard for Liam to even remember exactly what cities they had visited. He couldn't find the names of all the TV shows they had appeared on in his mind anymore either. But there was one memory that Liam had that he would never forget. "Remember the nerves we felt during X-Factor boys? We were sure we weren't going to make it, and when we were eliminated it was so hard. Who would of known what we would have become." His friends were silent after he said this, but he understood. Liam knew that no words could ever describe what they had gone through together. They met as five strangers, became one band, and one family. They were truly brothers. "By the way Louis, I saw Eleanor the other day. She is doing alright. She says she misses you, and she hopes to see you soon," Liam said. He sighed and reached his hand out to Louis. "I bet you miss her too huh? It's really sad that you haven't seen her lately." The sun was now starting to make its descent from the heavy, blue sky above. Liam heard his stomach growl but brushed it off. Having this reunion with his friends was so much more important to him. "I want you boys to know that I'm okay. After we broke up, and stopped performing, I realized that there was more in life waiting for me than just being famous. I really do enjoy writing, even though my grammar is so poor." he laughed. He could hear all the other boys laughing too around him. This made him smile. "And I was even well enough to visit Josh a few months ago. Unfortunately, he is not doing as well. Josh said he stopped walking  about a year ago, but he has a wheel chair. I told him not to worry. He'd get the feeling in his legs back eventually." Now darkness was starting to loom over the five boys sitting together in the grass. The chirping of birds were replaced by the peeping of frogs and buzzing of mosquitoes. Liam realized that it must have been getting later than any of them had expected. Maybe I should get going then boys? We could all use some rest I think." He bit his lip as he glanced at his brothers one more time. Four perfect, shiny tomb stones stood in front of him. Each one had a single tulip laying across it, flowers in which Liam had put there. "I really do miss it though," he whispered. "It's sad that we all grew up so fast." Liam reached over and picked up his cane which was leaning against a nearby tree. He struggled to pull himself off the ground. A groan escaped his lips as his knees buckled from his weight. Finally standing up, he readjusted his glasses and took one final look at One Direction. Liam was the last one alive, but still sickly stricken with old age. "If only we could turn back time..." he said to himself beneath his breath before shuffling back down the cobble stone road. But one week later, Liam was able to join his friends. One more tomb stone was added to that grave yard. They were reunited once again, and got to play one last show together. And the whole world would never forget about the boys on the stairs.

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