Zayn Imagine

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You are going to the park to meet your best friend, Zayn, the boys and their girlfriends. You liked every one of them but there was something special about Zayn that you not only liked but kind of loved. His amazing laugh, his breathtaking voice, his shining eyes, his wonderful sense of humour that completely matches yours, how smart he is, absolutely every thing… But you are too shy to tell him how you feel… You think he might not like you back. And you only met him a few months ago. But you just can’t stop thinking about him. He is the first think you about when you wake up and he is the last thing you think about before you fall asleep. You arrive at the park and instantly see them sitting on a blanket. Every one is laughing but Zayn. He seems to be embarrassed and you can see that he is starting to blush. “Hello!” You say going towards them. “Hey, (Y/N)!” Harry responds, standing up and hugging you. “Harry, sit back down!” Zayn demands with an angry voice. “Are you mad, Zaynie?!” Harry teases. Zayn doesn’t respond he just glares at Harry who’s laughing and mumbling ‘I knew it’ every now and then. “So… What are we gonna do now?” You ask to break the ice. “How about a little game? Spin the bottle, maybe?” Liam suggests. You look at Zayn, then back at Liam. “Okay.” You answer. Then Niall drinks the last sip of apple juice and puts the empty bottle in the middle of the blanket. Niall kisses Eleanor, Eleanor kisses Harry, Harry kisses Samantha, Liam’s current girlfriend, Samantha kisses Liam. Now it’s Liam's turn to spin the bottle. He spins it but you’re not paying attention because you’re thinking about Zayn… He is acting so weird today. He normally talks to you the whole time but today he didn’t talk to you at all. He has actually been acting weird since the day you told him you like someone. Little does he know that you like him. “(Y/N)?! You must kiss Liam now!” Louis yells at you, interrupting your thoughts. You look at the bottle and he’s right. The opening of the bottle is pointing towards you. Liam looks at you. “You don’t have to do that.” He says and looks over at Zayn before he looks into your eyes. “It’s okay… I mean, it’s just a game!” You answer. You don’t think you will have a chance with Zayn so you can might as well kiss Liam. You lean down to kiss him but before your lips could touch his, Zayn stands up. “I need to go for a walk…” He mumbles. “(Y/N), go talk to him!” Harry says. “Why should I? He doesn’t wanna talk to me. He is ignoring me, all the time… It’s like he doesn’t want me to be around him…” You respond with a sad voice. “Because he told us that he likes you… A lot. You saw us laughing right?” He asks. You only nod, shocked with what he just said. “We laughed at him, because he said he has a massive crush on you. We thought he was joking but then he said ‘That’s the truth! And please don’t tell her anything!’ And then we believed him and laughed even louder. We agreed but we teased him the whole time. That’s why I hugged you so tight and stuff…” He explains. “Now go after him!” Niall interrupts helping you up. “I will!” You respond. You look for Zayn and find him far away, leaning against a tree and smoking a cigarette. You runs towards him and take the cigarette out of his hand. “What the…” He says trying to get it back. “No! You won’t get it back! I want you to live very long!” You answer, trowing it on the ground and stepping on it. “Whatever…” He mumbles, leaning back against the tree. Before his back could touch the tree you push him against it and kiss him hard and passionately. You have been wanting to do this so much. After a breathtaking kiss you try to pull away but he pushes you back and holds you tightly. Then, after many kisses, he pulls away. “(Y/N), I have been wanting to do this for such a long time!” He whispers into your ear and hugs you once again. “Me too. I have been wanting to do this since the day we met!” You say releasing from his tight grip and looking directly into his eyes. “You’re just too perfect…” He mumbles with a crooked smile on his face.

(A/N)-Sorry if there are any mistakes at all. Grammar, puncuation wise, or anything. I'm a bit out of it right now. I'll update tomorrow. Love you guys!

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