Harry Imagine

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I sat on the couch flipping through channels on the TV. My lovely girlfriend sighed. "What?" I asked.
She shook her head and pretended to be interested with the lace on her shirt. "Nothing..." She replied. I continued watching TV paying little attention to her. About 15 minutes later she got up out of her chair and stood in front of the TV. "You really have no idea what day it is do you?!" She said angrily. "Umm your birthday?" I said nonchalantly. "We're done!" She said. She had tears in her eyes and I could see her hands begin to shake as she wiped them away. She went into the garage and slammed the door behind her. I pressed my forehead into the palms of my hands. I did know what day it was. I pulled out the little box I had in my pocket. It was our three year anniversary. I opened the box and looked at the engagement ring I had picked out for her. I felt the tears begin to well in the corners of my eyes. In fact, I had a whole night planned. A walk in downtown London, a nice romantic dinner, and of course proposing to her. I slumped down in the couch. "You're so stupid Harry!" I mumbled to myself. I grabbed my phone from the side table and typed in her number. It went straight to voice mail. "Awesome." I said to myself. I left her a voice mail anyways, even though she probably wouldn't listen to it. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I do know what day it is, how could I forget the three year anniversary of dating the girl I'm completely head over heels for? If you still love me, meet me by the Ferris wheel tonight at 7." I hit the end button and threw my phone across the couch. I stood up and started to get ready. I just prayed she would actually show up. I got some nice jeans on and the shirt she bought for me a few weeks ago. I walked around my flat until it finally sunk in that she was gone. I grabbed my phone and called Eleanor.
"Hey have you head from (Y/N)?" I asked.
"Bastard." She responded.
"I'll take that as a yes..." I replied "Could you tell her to at least check her voice mail?"
"Only cause she's my best friend and you're Lou's..." She said as she hung up. I snatched my keys off the counter and put them into the car. I put the ring on the passenger seat of my car, along with a bouquet of flowers I had bought yesterday.
"Please be there..." I said to myself as I pulled out of the driveway.
I arrived at the Ferris wheel at 6:49 PM. I found a bench in front of the ride. I set down the flowers, put the ring in my pocket and sat down on the corner of the bench. A few minutes later there was a crowd of girls around me. Screaming and asking me to sign various things. I scanned the crowd. Not one of them was (Y/N). I continued to sign things even though I was completely distracted looking for her. A beautiful girl began to push her way through the sea of fans. It was her. She was wearing a pretty red dress that showed off her curves. Her hair was perfectly curled and her eyes were sparkling. I stood up in front of her. I couldn't find the words to say. I handed her the flowers and smiled.
"I knew what day it was all along (Y/N) an-"
She kissed me mid sentence. I placed my hands on her waist and pulled her closer. She pulled away and smiled.
"I forgive you Hazza." she said sweetly.
I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. The girls that surrounded us were in complete shock.
They all 'ooed' and 'awwed'.
Her face lit up and she began to tear up.
"Will you marry me, (Y/N)?" I asked.
She nodded and smiled really big.
I got up and placed the ring on her finger. She leaned in and kissed me.
"Of course." She said.

~One Direction Imagines<3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum