- Scarlett Johansson and Katja Owens Eat Spicy Wings - Part 4

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Hellfire Fear - Scoville Level: 679,000

"Oh my God. This beer is God. I drank it so fast."
"You did slam that beer," Sean laughed. "You've got another one on deck."

"Oh, God, just bring it over."

"I think Dom might have tapped a keg."

"You ready?" Katja asked Scarlett as her second beer was sat down.

"Okay," she nodded, bouncing in her seat a little. She started whimpering as she picked up the wing. "I'm gonna take a tiny bite."

"Just try it," Katja said before she took her bite.

"Is it hot?"

Katja nodded while she chewed and swallowed. "It's definitely hot." Scarlett groaned. "Just get it over with."

She gave in and took a tiny bite. "THat was a bite."

"Mm-hmm," Sean agreed. "It qualifies."

"Like at this point I may be chewing my tongue. I'm not sure." Katja gave a cough, going for the milk. "Oh no! If you're drinking then I'm gonna die." Katja only laughed as she took another sip.

"Before the heat kicks in too much, both your careers are so vast that there's no way to cover it all with just ten wings, so let me just hit you with some loosies while you choke down the Hellfire Fear. Scarlett, which music video was more fun to shoot? Bob Dylan's 'When the Deal Goes Down' or Justin Timberlake's 'What Goes Around Comes Around?'"

"Um... I'd probably say the Bob Dylan video 'cause my best friend- One of my really good best friends shot it. So I'd say that. My friend Bennet."

"Katja, were the fight scenes in Infinity War or John Wick more fun to shoot?"
"John Wick because those were a lot more involved and take up most of the movie."

"Outside of your Marvel work, what's the Scarlett Johansson film that you think has the most intense cult following?"
"Um, I would probably say Lost in Translation or, oddly, Lucy. I've had, like, so many random different types of people from all walks of life tell me that they have loved that movie, including Meryl Streep at the Oscars and I was like-"

"Flex," Sean said and Scarlett nodded.

"She turned and she was like, 'Oh my God, it's you.' And I was like, 'Hi! It's you!' and she was like, 'You know what movie I absolutely love of yours?' And I was like, 'What?' And she was like, 'Lucy.' I was like, 'Oh. Really?' She's like, 'I love that.' And I thought, 'Okay. Alright. Not the one I would have thought.' You know?"

"You never know."

"It is really strange what some people say they prefer actors in. It's usually never the ones we think."

"Do you have that experience as well, Katja?"
"A couple times, yeah. With some of the smaller films I do, people tend to pick the ones I don't expect."

"Interesting. Katja, if you could make any type of movie other than action, what would it be?"

"I guess most of my films are action, huh," she chuckled. "Probably a historical film. Something set in the past whether it be a biographical film or just historical fiction. I think that would be a lot of fun."

"What Scarlett Johnason movie is more underrated: Home Alone 3 or Eight Legged Freaks?"

"Eight Legged Freaks," she said as she bounced in her seat, her mouth on fire. "Oh, that little bite still- It still packed a punch."

"Well, you know what? You've handled the Haymaker, you've handled the Roundhouse. It's just one more round to go."

Hot Ones - Scoville Level: 2,000,000+

"Oh the last one. That's right," Scarlett smiled, ready to be done.

"It's a tradition to put a little extra on the last wing," Sean said, opening the sauce and pouring some on his wing. "You don't have to."

"Pass it over," Katja said, taking the sauce and putting it on her wing.

"Well if both of you are doing it-"

"You don't have to," Katja told her.

"Let me just smell it."

"That might not be the best idea," Katja said as Scarlett sniffed the sauce.

"It smells good."

"Thank you. Why did you say not to smell it?" he asked her. "We actually made this one."

She chuckled. "It's nothing to do with the sauce. But you know how when you smell spicy things and it hurts. I didn't want to dissuade her from actually eating it."

"Fair," he gave in as Scarlett poured some extra on her plate and dipped her wing.

"Alright, cheers," she said and they all tapped their wings together.


"Cheers." They all took a bite and Scarlett immediately went for her beer.

"Oh wow," Katja let out. "That is a lot." She took a sip of her milk, trying to ride out the spice. "Wow."

"Alright, Scarlett Johanson and Katja Owens, here we are at the top of spice mountain, season eight. The tip top of spice mountain, yodeling from the summit, and this is the last wing here of season eight. And when you're doing Avengers, it's like tiptoeing through a minefield. It's like walking on a tightrope."

"You're telling us," Katja let out with a chuckle.

"The fans are so rabid. They need those conspiracy theories. They need those spoilers. And while you're both distracted by the hot sauce, we're gonna take out shot, but we're gonna play fair."

"Okay," Scarlett nodded.

"Do not answer any of these questions," he told them. "We're just gonna look at your faces and decide whether you're giving us a tell or just reacting to hot sauce."

"Oh this is fun," Katja smiled.

"And we'll be able to know 'cause this is always a truth serum. Olay, here we go. Captain America will die." Scarlett started nodding as and bouncing as the spice hit her hard. "Goose the cat will ultimately be the key to saving everybody." Katja's eyes widened at that one, surprised by the theory she hadn't heard before. "THanos gets tricked into the quantum realm by Ant-Man and then the Avengers beat him up and leave him there." Scarlett continued walking back for forth while Katja squeezed her eyes shut as her mouth burned. "Loki isn't dead because he stabbed Thanos with his left hand instead of his right, so it's obvious that we're just seeing a projection. And then finally, Thanos isn't bad, he's just under the evil spell of the mind stone."

"I love listening to theories," Katja laughed through the pain in her mouth.

"I honestly do not know what those last three things you said were because my mouth is- It's just- It's like..." She couldn't vocalize her thoughts. It's full of fire."

"Well, you know what I think that you're under the spell of the hot sauce stone. But it doesn't matter because you both just went ten chicken wings up ten chicken wings down and now there's nothing else to do but roll out the red carpet for you, my friends. This camera, this camera, this camera... Let the people know what you've got going on in your life."

"Like, right at this very moment, um, I'm feeling pretty vulnerable right now, I'm not gonna lie. Here on the Avengers: Endgame press tour and I've already- I already feel pretty broken down and I'm not gonna lie, this may be the straw that broke the camel's back."

"I'm living my best life," Katja admitted, making them all laugh. "My mouth is on fire, but this was awesome."

"So go see Avengers: Endgame," Scarlett pointed before downing some more of her beer.

I've finally finished this interview! It has taken forever, so I hope you all like it. Sorry I haven't updated, I am going to try to update more. I have a new style of update I want to put out in two weeks, so make sure to tune in for that. Hope you all are having a good new year!

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