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At home,

Clara: I'm home mom (shouts).

Her mom: Welcome home darling.. how was your day?

Clara: It was nice today, mom. I'm going to my room. I'll be back after freshen up!!

Her mom: Okay! Come fast, I've something to talk to you.


Clara goes to her room to freshen up. After 10 minutes she comes back freshening her up and goes to her mother as she called her (Clara).


Clara: Yes mom, I'm here.

Her mom: (suspiciously) So, where were you today, Clara?

Clara: (nervously) Why mom did something happened?

Her mom: No! Just answer my question. Where were you?

Clara: I was at university, but why are you asking mom.

Her mom: Oh! So you were at university (questioning tone).

Clara: Yes mom.

Her mom: If I'll find anything wrong by your side then you are not going to live peacefully. Mark my words!

Clara: (gulps) y-yes mom!


Clara's mom's friend told her that Clara was somewhere else today and not at her university.
Her mom's friend saw Clara as she was also there because of some work.


Clara went to her room and got sit by the window (as it's her favourite place in the whole house).
She started to think about why her mom asked her that question.


Clara's thoughts,

Clara: (questioning to herself) Did she come to know that I go to the music class?
I don't know if she really knows! Should I skip my music classes for 2 or 3 days? Yes I'll skip music classes for somedays.

"Should I call Suzie and tell her about this? And suddenly some flashbacks start to hit Clara" - -

>>>> FLASHBACK <<<<

Clara: (in a very sweet voice) I'm so lucky to have a friend like you Adele.

Adele: (sarcastically) Ik (I know), I'm so good that everyone says this to me!

Clara/Adele: Both laughs..

Clara: Huh! Ya ya you are very good and I want you to stay by me and never leave me.
I know I'm not asking too much so don't you dare to do something like this.

Adele: I'll never leave you bestie (chuckles).
Hugs Clara.

Clara: Hugs her back!


Adele was her best friend when they were in lower classes. They both became good after after much time passed, Clara thought that she find her best friend and she'll not leave her at any cost.
But destiny had something else for her.


Clara had Adele everything about her life. She didn't hide anything from Adele.


Clara was in depression for few days and she couldn't find peace anywhere.
She told Adele that she is mentally disturbed.
She can't study properly or do the things which she like.

Even her favourite things couldn't set her mind!
Her mother didn't even know that she was upset. Rather than understanding her, she used to scold her at everything.

She felt so helpless that she thought, she would run away from her home. She told about this to Adele and Adele tried to console her but nothing worked on Clara that time.


"They both are chatting to each other"

Adele, I can't stay here anymore,
I won't be able to recover here,
I'm just making my condition worse.
- Clara

Clara you're just overthinking,
nothing else! Don't do anything wrong.
I know you're not fine for now but
trust me you'll be happy again.
Please Clara, try to understand me.
- Adele

I'm sorry Adele, but I'm not stepping back. I'm going from here tonight! I just wanted you to know because you are my friend.
- Clara


After listening to what Clara said, Adele didn't replied her. Clara thought that Adele was just upset because of the things she said, but Adele wasn't upset.

Adele had blocked Clara, so none of Clara's messages were reaching Adele, which made Clara tensed. She tried to contact Adele by many ways but failed.

When nothing worked, she called Adele from her mom's phone and luckily Adele picked up her call. But Adele said so harsh and mean things to her which broken Clara's heart and after that they never talked again....

She wasn't disappointed because she lost a friend but because she was so close to her and she told her so many things that was so personal and never meant to be disclosed..


Tears started falling off from her eyes!


I'm ending this part here because if I continue to write more in this part, then I'll not stop and end the whole book in this part only..

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