departure 2

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Oh God Yvette what are we gonna do this isn't what we signed up for
Jackie calm the hell down( I needed to be calm for the both of us cause I'm freaking out) you know what let's find a job
Jackie we are not citizens we need jobs to eat
What about going back home
No way
Listen we can't just go back , our families need us to make it here ok
Oh  Yvette
We went to a coffee shop near by and practically begged to be hired,the owner gave us jobs and something to eat he also told us we could live in the basement.
3weeks later
Hi there can a get a muffin and coffee
Coming right up miss
Yvette I'm going to get some burgers you want one
Yeah Jackie
I continue to serve but it's been 36 minutes and Jackie isn't here ,I rush out to see her knocked down by a car , my best friend was lying there .I saw a middle aged white lady walk out of the car
Who are you and did you knock her down
I'm very sorry, I just called the ambulance.( We got to the hospital and the doctors said Jackie was going to be alright, the woman,Ms Stevens as I found out her name paid for everything,and I told her our story)
So you are immigrants?
You two can marry my sons

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