Chapter Fourteen

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Alastriona hugged Tracey tightly. "Are you sure you don't want to come join us for Christmas?"

Tracey smiled down at Alastriona. "I'm sure, I'm actually really excited to see my parents."

Alastriona bounced on her feet. "Let me know how it goes?" She asked quietly when they moved into the train compartment. Draco, Theo, Darcy and Blaise were already sitting down.

Tracey just nodded in response, not wanting anyone else to catch on or ask questions.
She needn't have worried, Theo was distracting everyone enough already.

He poked Draco's side. "You're so nervous!" He teased unconcerned by Draco's icy stare.

Darcy chuckled opposite them. "That's actually adorable, Draco."

Draco glared at Darcy instead. "Please, don't use that word to describe me." He drawled lazily.

"Cute? Precious? Sweet? Which do you prefer?" Darcy teased, grin wide, showing off her teeth.

Draco was relieved to see Alastriona sit next to Darcy. "Save me." He groaned.

Tracey sat by Alastriona's side, Alastriona shrugged. "I can't. I find you adorable, always."

Draco just groaned and leaned his head back on the seat, closing his eyes.

Theo grinned mischievously at Darcy. "Now that Draco's miserable, should we go cause havoc on some Gryffindor's?"

Darcy was ready to leap out of her seat when Alastriona held her hand up.
"Can you wait until after I've made the rounds?" She asked patiently.

They reluctantly agreed.

Alastriona glanced down at her pocket watch

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Alastriona glanced down at her pocket watch.

"How is he always late?" Darcy questioned in disbelief. She saw Alastriona grin like a fool at her watch. "What? Did Draco message you?"

Alastriona bit her lip and nodded. Darcy cooed and leaned in close to read the message on her pocket watch.

'Love you'

Alastriona blushed and pocketed it, after replying with the same words, of course. "Let's go wait out the front of the station. He might be having trouble finding a park."
They wheeled their trolly's out to the front of the station, the muggles giving Arwen perplexed stares.

"You know it's okay, right?" Darcy said abruptly. "I don't mind you talking about Draco just cause I broke up with Lee, it doesn't mean I'm suddenly against relationships or anything." Alastriona wanted to speak but Darcy kept going. "I love you and Draco together, you have my full support... Lee and I we just-- we just didn't work out but I still want to hear all about you and Draco, I promise it'll never upset me."

"I know, I know." Alastriona reassured her and quickly hugged her friend, her sister. "Honestly, sometimes I just hear myself talking about him and it's a little... embarrassing." She admitted in a hushed voice. She rushed to correct herself when Darcy went to berate her. "Not like that-- like, there is so much happening, so much going on but my main focus at all times is... him." She shrugged helplessly.

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