Chapter 8

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I USED TO BELIEVE MY FAMILY WAS PERFECT WHEN I WAS A CHILD. My father is attractive, dependable, and our breadwinner. And then there's my mother, the lovely and wonderful stay-at-home mom.

Things were going smoothly. We are happy. My loved ones adore me.

Mom and Dad had me at the age of twenty. My parents were too young, and their lives were just beginning, but my father was a man of his word. So, when my mother announced that she was pregnant with me, Dad did not flee but instead assumed responsibility for my mother and me.

He was a wonderful, devoted father. Dad and mom's family helped them raise me, so it wasn't difficult for them. I admit that I was exposed to almost everything growing up. My parents come from wealthy families. Nonetheless, my parents instilled in me the importance of not being spoiled.

I consider myself one of the fortunate children because my parents were exceptional. They were flawless, in my opinion.

Back then, I was a joyful kid. We always travel to new places, both domestic and foreign. Especially after my father became a pilot. My mother also completed her culinary degree, but she chose to be a full-time housewife because she wanted to oversee my father and me.

I was ecstatic. I couldn't have wished for anything better.

I have lovely classmates back at school. I used to be quite popular in elementary school. Nobody ever bullied me, and everyone adored me. My life was turned upside down when my mother died in middle school.


"GET OUT OF THE WAY, mad girl," someone said, jolting me out of my reverie.

She shoved me with her shoulder before I could react and move out of her way. Push me on purpose. I would have fallen backward on the floor if it hadn't been for someone supporting my back.

"Watch where you're going, Camila; you don't own the hallway," Nova cautioned.

She is the one who catches me, and Camila is the one who slams me. I took a deep breath and came to a halt in front of Nova. I don't want her to get into any mischief.

"The mad girl was in my way, and now you're telling me to watch where I was going? Are you blind?!" Camila yelled at us, as scandalous as she is.

"Watch your tongue, bitch; I'll rip it off," Stella, her minion, said as she approached Nova and gave her a warning look.

"Try me," Nova, who isn't afraid of these bullies, says to the more petite girl.

Stella is a feisty fighter, even though her opponents are taller. Stella has a reputation for being extremely volatile. That is, she is the one who is always doing the grunt work for the group.

"C-Con, stop. Let's just go. We're going to be late." I drew Nova, but she was still staring at Stella.

Camila was smirking, and my step-sister, who was standing next to her, was just staring at us. As is customary. Every time her so-called friends bully me, she'll just be the audience. But I can't say I blame her. I can see where she's coming from.

We're attracting some attention from the students, and it'll be bad for us if a teacher notices us. It's the first day of junior year, and I don't want to make a wrong first impression.

"Stell, Miss Peyton is coming this way; let's go," one of the bully's friends, Naomi, pulled the more petite girl. She was still refusing to budge, as was Nova. I believe that there will be a commotion with just a slight push on both of them.

What should I do?

"Let's go, Stell. They're not worth it. Let's adjust because we're good girls," Camila said as she marched in the opposite direction.

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