Treacherous Circus

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A cub on the path to heaven
Little did it know it was hell all along

So tenderly handled
So royally cared for
Loved by all the masked faces

The illusion played itself
You played your cards well
Thinking it was time
Time for you to twirl me around
Guess your trick worked
So well it left marks

Oh, dear human
Oh so dearly wicked magician
Magicking your way into my heart
Leaving scars on your marks

All the plays came to an end
When the cub was left to you
As you begin your tricksy training
Treated the cub like an animal
Not a royal no more

Mauled the heart that made it a cub
Gave you a lion to raise
But you raised an hare
That's all you knew to do

Without the interior the exterior is a facade
Marks will never make it a lion
But your marks have reside in deep
Invisible to the eye
Spanning to the edges

All the tricks you taught
All the realities you hid
Couldn't last long
Truth has a way of shining out

With you left your tricks
With one snap the illusion faded
Left me apart in a haunt home

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