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Your tapestry is intricately torn
Intricately filled with blood and sprinkled with gold 
Decorated with love and depth
Colored with moonlight

It's draped around your shoulders
But all that the human eye usually sees
Is marbled gold and love

Only you feel the true weight
In dark nights and dim days
I wonder if they wonder if the darker shade of red is blood

Your battered core bleeds
Lining the waves in your eyes red
They glimmer, they harden, they soften
Hiding the blood underneath their hues
But when the colors fade
When the stone cracks
The light faints
The blood emerges in your waves

And you walk the lanes of life 
To walk past the dark curtains
Under the bleeding cracks, weighing you down

Past the curtains of darkness
Lies light with hands held out
To clean out your tapestry
To fix your battered core

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