I Believe

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Talk to me tonight
It's a life full of goodbyes
All we lost months ago
Seems as if it was there all those months

I don't know if the wounds I left are still bleeding
But I found clarity though I thought I never would
I'm starting to trust not to trust all my excuses on your behalf
I'd still give us a chance to fix and build us back up

There'll be scarlet scars on my wrists
Raw wounds beneath your shirt
Beyond our ability to heal
Only his kindness will

We'll live a better life this time
I would try my best to never scratch your dried wounds
I'll be fine eventually if you scratch mine
I'll wait for you to climb the staircase out of your hell

I'll stay better
But I'll bring back the parts that sustained your stability
Something, anything to keep us on track
Can you not give up this time?

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