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My dear, you're not okay
I see it
The light in your eyes flickers and has dimmed
And I wish I could cast a spell
Storm your misery away
So you could smile again fully
And bask in your own beauty

The weight of the tattered atmosphere weighs you down
It's bearable now
But the tattered pieces are still stuck on your clothes

And you may be just walking
Holding what's yours since forever
With an addition of everything that's new
And I wish you'll make it out
Stand under a clear sky

And I know the tattered pieces won't just pull themselves together under a clear sky
But the breeze will make you feel better
And will blow away the new ones however much it could

And I want you to keep on walking
To a place that could sew you together
And carefully take out the poison ivy and the thorns
And I wish you'll be cured of the stinging bruises
And you'll breathe in a soothing breath
With freshness basking you
And then your bright smile will be filled with ethereal joy
It won't just be bright
But everything that keeps you here

And you'll keeping on walking the lanes
And I think you'll get what fear keeps from you
For you're the kind that gets that so easily
It's the beauty in you
That makes you so desirable

And you do think you're not it
But you're not who you were yesterday
But everything you're today
And I know the claws of the past are hard to get rid of
And they can hold onto whatever however much they can
Even when they can just not
But you'll always be beautiful
For their little cannot take over your so much that easily

Everything comes to an end
Whether good or bad
And every ending brings a new beginning
Whether hard or easy
And I know I cannot cast spells
But you'll find me there in your dark forests
And bright fields too I hope
I'll hold your hand in the dark if you'd like
Or walk distantly if that's what you prefer
But you will make it out
No matter with or without me
For the bright fields are your fate

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