Siren Vines

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Darkness is so tempting
The black rose vines call you to them
Each time you trip
Each time you fall
When you have to stand
With no one's help at all

Hazy views you live in
Fighting to keep the light intact
Knowing the darkness is superior
But trying to make a myth a fact

You walk in the mist
Leading yourself to a beacon in the far
Seeing black vines on every wall
As they sing you siren songs
One scar on your forearm
Attracts you toward the beautiful song
Your vow makes you walk ahead
Instead of sitting in their arms

Forever you sworn to walk
The path of good it was for you
But with too many trips and falls
You chose to pause and ponder
What's in it for you

Ignoring all your reasons and realities
You switch your path
The beacon of light lives there
But that's not your home no more
As you've chosen to rest in black vines
The soft vines with beautiful songs

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