1.14 Safe

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"I collected some things from the treehouse," Newt said finally. "I didn't think you would want to go back..."

I shook my head. "I didn't," My throat was scratched to hell. "But I do now..."

Newt didn't say anything, just nodded and got out of the bed.

Golden boy held an outstretched hand to me, "Let's go say goodbye."

I took his hand. I knew in that moment I would follow him anywhere.


The treehouse was a mess. Broken liquor jars and bloodstains littered the floor. I sucked in a sharp breath as an image flashed behind my eyes: Danny, covered in crimson, grinning down at me.

I felt a hand wrap tightly around mine. Newt.

As if he was my tether to what was real. What was present and here and now.

"Thanks," I muttered. I surveyed the contents of the treehouse, there wasn't anything worth saving.

Nothing except the small moleskin notebook torn open miserably on the floor.

Tears breached my eyes as I went to pick it up. It was our notebook. But it was broken, ruined now.

Just like how Danny ruined me.

"Hey," Newt grabbed the notebook from me. "It's not ruined okay? See?" He wiped away a smudge of mud on the cover. "It's just fine."

I just nodded, to exhausted and pained to argue. Instead I took out the knife I had stored in my pocket.

I went over the window that overlooked the Glade, rubbing the smoothed frame. Someone should know that we existed.

Someone, somewhere, needs to know that we were more than teenagers in a stupid maze.

We loved, fought, died, mourned. We were human.

They needed to remember that.

And so, I started. Stabbing the knife into the pale wood, I started to form a heart. Then, a tiny F and N.

They needed to know we were human.

We loved.

A strong pair of arms wrapped around my stomach and Newt sighed into my body, hugging me from behind. He kissed my neck.

"Beautiful," He murmured. At that point I knew.

WICKED needed to remember the pain they put us through. That we were more than experiments, than soldiers. That's why I wrote it.

But more importantly, we needed to remember.

We needed to remember that there was good here too.


"Are you ready, Felix?" Teresa approached me. We were just about to enter the Maze.

I pulled on my leather gauntlets and tightened the laces.

"Are you?" I slid my knife into the sheath on my belt.

To Capture A Heart | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now