2.5 Why

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The crank launched itself off the second floor, crashing through the glass barrier.

"Felix! Move!" Someone yelled at me, but I couldn't lift my feet.


Shit, shit, shit, shit.

The crank fell on me in a heap of rotting flesh and shards of glass. I screamed something unholy, I'd been through scary shit before but this was downright terrifying.

I pulled my head as far away from it as I could and I pushed on its' shoulders, stabbing my hands into the glass. I didn't know how it could infect me but I didn't wish to find out.

"Felix!" Newt was screaming, along with the others, but he was the only one I cared to hear.

The crank screeched at me, tendrils of black sludge dripped from its' chin. Its' eyes were dark and clouded, as if this disease filtered its' vision.

I punched the crank across the jaw, it screamed back at me and stuck their slimy hands on my throat. The monster pushed, blocking my airway and pressing my head into the cemented floor.

This thing had a death grip, and within seconds, blacks spots were blinding my vision.

It snarled at me, showing me its' rotten teeth once more.

And everything went black.


"Did you miss me, little brother?"

Calum appeared next to me in the dark void.

"Am I dead this time?" It felt like I should've been.

He chuckled, "No. Thomas tackled the crank off of you just in time."

"Thomas?" I had expected it to be Newt.

He nodded, "Do you remember what I said?"

"Protect Newt."

He sighed, "Yes. Unfortunately it seems as though it might be too late."


"Calum..." I tried to stay calm. "What are you talking about?"

He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly, "The Flare has already infected him."

His comfort wasn't working, "Oh my god-"

"However, we can't know for sure if it'll kill him."

"What do you mean?! Calum... I don't know what's real anymore, you have to explain."

"It's okay brother-"

"How is any of this okay?!" I pulled away from him, if I had to look at his stupid face any longer I would break.

"Because," Calum smiled, "The subjects of Maze A are immune."


"Hey, Felix."

I opened my eyes to see Clint leaning over me. I tried to speak but my throat constricted, everything hurt. It hurt so bad.

"Careful, 'Lix. Don't try to talk," Newt was holding my hand. "The bloody shank fucked you up, didn't it?" There were tear stains that trailed down his cheeks. Clint helped me sit up.

I squeezed his hand back. I was alive. I was okay.

I pulled him into me, letting him fall into my chest. He was okay, he was immune, he wouldn't become one of those.

To Capture A Heart | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now