Chapter 9. Kiriko

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Kiriko, Kuvira, Baatar Jr, and Bolin returned Kuvira's encampment in the nearby valley.

Bolin: You were just bluffing, right? I mean, you're not really going to attack zaofu... are you?

Kuvira: When people don't cooperate, we must find other ways of convincing them to join.

Bolin: Other ways? How many times have we used these other ways in the past?

Kiriko: You know how many, Bolin. Only when absolutely necessary.

Bolin: So... what happens to all of those towns and villages after we leave?

Kuvira: Exactly what you see. Their lives are saved and their homes are defended, and they contribute to the empire however I see fit.

Bolin: Maybe we don't take over zaofu. We could just let them be on their own, then yay, the empire's united. Congratulations to us.

Kuvira: I didn't know your personal feelings for opal were stronger than

your loyalty to me. Zaofu will join us. The only thing I'm second-guessing is the decision to bring you along. Maybe you need to spend some time in a reeducation camp.

Bolin: I thought that's where we send people to learn new trade skills.

Baatar Jr: Hard truths, bolin.

Kuvira: Your loyalty seems to be wavering.

Bolin: No, no, I'm totally on your side, completely 100% loyal.

Kiriko (thinking): Bolin sounds like he might do something stupid. I know fickle loyalty when I see it. Bolin might try to switch sides.

When Bolin left to go talk to Varrick, Kiriko followed him and listened in closely on their conversation.

Varrick: Bolin, thank goodness you're here.

Bolin: There's something important I've got to tell you.

Varrick: Well, there's something important I've got to tell you too.

Both of them in unison: Kuvira's crazy.

Bolin: How'd you find out?

Varrick: When I refused to build her a super weapon, she threatened my life.

Bolin: She threatened me too. We've gotta get out of here.

Varrick: I couldn't agree more, kid.

Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu Li climbed into three of Varrick's mecha suits and snuck out.

Kiriko (thinking): I've got to alert Kuvira.

Kiriko headed back to Kuvira's encampment.

Kuvira: Kiriko? What's wrong?

Kiriko: I have bad news. Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu Li's loyalty to our cause is nonexistent. They just snuck out with mecha suits.

Kuvira: What!?

An earth empire soldier approached them, in distress.

Unnamed earth empire soldier: I'm afraid we have a problem. Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu Li have gone missing.

Kuvira: I thought as much.

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