Chapter 5

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Maya, Willy and Y/N traverse through a swampy area part of the fields, with Y/N in particular squinting as he sees the state of disrepair it was all in.

Y/N: Why do I get the feeling Beegood intentionally made sure our cabin was located in such a crummy part of the meadow...

Eventually, they arrive to a small cave highlighted by glowing mushrooms, but once inside they see no one in sight. This makes the two bees worried.

Maya: Hello? Anybody here? Hello?

Y/N raises his brows as he looks around cautiously. Suddenly, something moving around quickly grabs all their attention. It was hard to see with it being so dimly lit, but they swear it was a brownish roach. Before they could move closer, another bug drops down from the ceiling that results in them screaming in surprise.

Maya: Ahhh!

Y/N: Gah!

Willy: Waah!

Willy dashes off and hides behind a rock while Y/N quickly pulls Maya back and holds her defensively while his wings extend out to make him look bigger. This doesn't deter the bug, who turns out to be a spider girl with an emo personality. Y/N and Maya look at her with wide eyes, frozen in place.

She finally pokes them both on the face before looking behind her.

Emo Spider: Uh, guys. You can come out. It's, like, not Violet.

Willy peeks his head out from his hiding spot while whispering.

Willy: Maya! Y/N! Quick, hide!

Maya: Uh, maybe we're in the wrong place.

Emo Spider: I bet they're one of her friends.

As she spoke, another bug that looked like a small tan bedbug jogs up to them on all fours while the roach they had previously seen skittering about rushes up to them. He spoke in a nervous and defensive tone, and his constant advance forced Y/N and Maya to back up to the wall.

Roach: Beat it, city bugs! This cave's for Poppy Meadow bugs only!

Y/N groans before finally speaking up.

Y/N: We are Poppy Meadow bugs! If we weren't, we wouldn't be here!

The bedbug then sniffs them both warily, squinting before his eyes went back to normal.

Bedbug: They don't smell like one of Violet's friends.

Maya and Y/N share a weirded-out glance over the bedbug's actions before the latter lets her go.

Maya: Violet's not our friend.

Roach: Lucky you! That girl's meaner than a scorpion that stung its own backside!

Bedbug: And she's mean too.

Spider: And she thinks she's, like, so funny, but she's so not.

Maya smirks.

Maya: She won't be laughing when we win that golden cup.

The other bugs share a perplexed face as they stare at Maya in disbelief.

Spider: Guys wait, she's serious.

She shakes her head while planting a palm on her face.

Spider: No one thinks we can win.

Maya stares at them in confusion.

Maya: But, aren't you the finest bugs in Poppy Meadow?

They then laugh at her question, leaving her even more baffled.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now