Chapter 10

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A now furious Empress couldn't believe her eyes as she saw the results of today's game, berating Beegood who looked down in shame.

Empress: Team Poppy!? How could you let this happen, Beegood!? This is absolutely-


Queen: Wonderful news!

The Queen hugs Crawley in celebration of Poppy's victory.

Queen: Pack your pollen, Crawley! We're off to the Honey Games!

Crawley: Hurray!


A party is underway in the Honey Games Village, as Team Poppy arrive and are amazed by the atmosphere. Flip's gang is playing music and all the other bugs are dancing together. All except for one group of bugs; Violet's team. Though Violet sat alone and away from the others, she looks at Maya and smiles smugly while prattling her fingers in the air.

Remembering the incident from a few nights ago, Maya frowns angrily and starts walking towards her before being held back by Spinder and Bedford.

Spinder: Maya, don't let her get to you.

Craig: Yeah, she's just gonna get you in trouble.

Maya sighs, still upset before Y/N ruffles her hair up a bit.

Y/N: Let's just enjoy the party, kid. Tonight, we celebrate.

They all start to split off as Maya, Willy and Y/N stick together. After exchanging hellos with Flip, Maya and Willy start dancing with each other while Y/N hums and dances behind them. Though his movements were a lot more sluggish, as his mind was still preoccupied with how he saw Beegood treat Violet.

It's not even that he wanted to protect Violet, considering how she's been treating Maya and the rest of the team. But even he still recognized she was just a kid, and that her father was being unjustly harsh towards her.

Yet what could he do? Confront Beegood? As much as he wanted to, he didn't want to risk getting the rest of the team in trouble in case his temper flared up again.

He didn't know what to do. But he felt he needed to do something.

Violet: Mind if I cut in?

The trio look at Violet as she holds her hand out. And while Willy giggles nervously, Maya is adamant about her stance on the idea and frowns.

Maya: Yes.

Disregarding Maya completely, she grabs Willy's hand and runs off with him. Much to Maya's frustration.

Maya: Hey!

She starts to follow them, squeezing past some roaches. Y/N tries catching up with her, but once again finds himself trapped within a circle of dancing bugs.

Y/N: Maya, wait! Ah, hedge...!

Violet and Willy start dancing with each other.

Violet: We're friends, right Willy?

Willy: We're friends?

Violet: Of course we're friends, silly!

Both chuckle with each other, while a lone Maya continues searching for them. She finally finds them and hears what Violet is saying.

Violet: And friends help each other, yeah? And I gave you all that pollen...remember?

Fuming, Maya marches up and takes Willy by the arm.

Maya: Hi, Willy! He's dancing with me.

Violet: Uh-uh! He's dancing with me.

Conga Line Leader: No, he's dancing with us!

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games (Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin