Chapter 7

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In Buzztropolis, the Empress is enjoying her relaxation time as she is fed flower rolls by her servant. Beegood soon arrives, however, with a scroll in hand.

Beegood: I have the team scores after Day One.

She takes the scroll and reads it, smiling as she sees Team Tropolis in first place.

Empress: Excellent. We're first.


In Poppy Meadow, Crawley quickly flies to meet the Queen and upon arriving hands her a scroll.

Crawley: The team scores, Your Majesty!

She reads the scroll before smiling brightly.

Queen: Excellent! We're not last!


Back in the Games Village, Maya, Willy and Y/N finally arrived to where the mess hall was at. They had to wait in line for food, and being served to them was some kind of jelly sustenance. Willy looks at it in disgust.

Willy: Ew, yuck...

Maya: Taste it, Willy. Trying new things is good!

Willy: But I don't like new things. I like pollen.

Y/N: And I like nectar, but ya don't see me complaining over the lack of it.

Y/N would already grab a handful of the jelly before chucking it into his mouth, chewing on it as he hums. Willy looks at him and shivers.

Y/N: It ain't bad! It's kinda like honey.

Willy: I'll just take your word for it...

Violet: I have pollen, Willy.

They all look at Violet, who was sitting alone at a table with various empty seats and a wide array of food. Willy blinks before smiling dreamily as he stares at her.

Willy: Ooh...okay...

Violet: Team Tropolis' food is flown in specially for us. Wanna join me?

As Willy was quick to sit down next to her and feast on a bowl of pollen, Maya and Y/N look at each other with wary looks.

Willy: Ah! Violet, thank you! Hey, c'mon you two!

Violet: Yes, Maya and Y/N. Please, take a seat.

Maya ponders on her offer for a moment.

Maya: Hmm. Okay, thanks, Violet.

As she and Y/N walk over to the seat, she looks up at him before he nods his head.

Y/N: Ya go ahead and sit first, kid.

Smiling, Maya sits down before Violet chimes in.

Violet: Sorry, that's Chelsea's spot.

Maya blinks as Chelsea, the brown-haired bee, arrives. Maya quickly stands up while smiling nervously.

Maya: Sorry.

She almost sits down again before Violet once more interrupts her, claiming that spot was Sandra's, the other blonde bee. The three ladybugs from before, Spotty, Dotty, and Lotty, take their spots as well. All the while, Violet continued to smirk as she kept up the nice charade, even as Y/N was right there witnessing the whole thing with an annoyed glare. There was only one seat left, right next to Willy.

Violet: That's reserved for Brian.

Brain soon arrives, the large beetle sitting down and sending Willy flying up into the air before he comes crashing back down. Y/N acted quick and flew up to catch him before landing to put him down. Willy panics as his pollen starts rolling away, crawling off to get them. Y/N is momentarily distracted in order to help Willy.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now