Chapter 12

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The final day of the Honey Games was finally here, and in attendance for it were the Queen and the Empress, in support of their respective teams. And for them specifically, it was the final game that would determine the fate of Poppy Meadow's honey supply.

Mantis: Ladybugs and gentlebees! Welcome to the Honey Games Grand Final!

The crowd cheers in excitement, as a now repaired Honey Cup was on full display behind the mantis announcer.

Mantis: May I proudly present, Her Majesty, the Empress of Buzztropolis!

As the crowd continues to Cheer, the Empress smirks snobbishly at the presence of her younger sister, and the Queen only scoffs in return. Now wasn't the time to entertain her ego.

Mantis: In our final event, the remaining two teams must navigate the Dragonfly Rush, and the Mudsucker Muddle and then climb the summit of Mount Stumpy! The competitors must then retrieve the ruby pollen from the Nani Nani Orchid! The first team to cross the line with the ruby pollen, will win the Honey Cup! And the losing team will receive these novelty mugs!

The mantis chuckles as he dangles around a mug with '#2' written on it before tossing it behind him.

Mantis: And now, introducing our first grand finalists...Team Tropolis!

As Violet's team finally arrive, the crowd cheers again, much to Violet's delight.

Violet: Team Poppy are gonna wish they stayed in their swamp.

Mantis: And this year's surprising wild card...Team Poppy!

As Team Poppy arrives, minus Maya and Y/N, the Queen takes notice of how both were missing and becomes alarmed.

Queen: Where's Maya and Y/N?

Beegood snickers as he overhears her, as does the Empress before revealing the bad news to her.

Empress: Maya's been disqualified.

With a gasp, the Queen angrily questions her older sister.

Queen: Disqualified? On what grounds?

Empress: Oh Beatrice, once again, you and your hive have proven to be a disgrace.

Just as the Queen was about to speak again, Maya's voice rings out.

Maya: Miss Empress?

The crowd gasp in surprise as they see Maya and Y/N arrive, while the Empress chuckles in amusement.

Empress: Oh, little meadow bug, ah ha hah. You just don't give up, do you?

Maya frowns and glances up at Y/N, who gives her a reassuring smile and nod. He believed in her, and that was all Maya needed to press on. She casts her gaze back on the Empress.

Maya: Please. Hear me out. It's not the Queen's fault.

Empress: Oh really? Then who's fault, is it?

Despite the Empress's mocking tone, Maya continues with a firm tone.

Maya: Mine. I'm the one who came to Buzztropolis and made a mess of everything. I didn't listen to you, Your Majesty. And in the Games, I didn't listen to my team. They trusted me and...and I let them down. I'm so sorry...

The rest of Team Poppy are now in tears, touched by Maya's words.

Maya: And I'm so sorry to you, Miss Empress, for not showing you respect.

The Empress is taken aback by Maya's words, surprised by her honesty and how accepting she was of the responsibility for her actions.

Maya: Please don't punish our hive because of me.

As the Empress ponders on it, the crowd began voicing their support for Maya, demanding the Empress to give her a chance. After a moment of contemplation, she raises her hand to silence the crowd. She finally made her decision.

Empress: How touching. Such honesty should be rewarded. Little bee, I'm giving you a second chance to compete in the final.

The crowd starts cheering once more, and Maya is surprised. She was back in the Game. But then, the Empress continues.

Empress: But if you lose, we will still take all your summer honey.

The crowd is appalled by this revelation, and Y/N looked like he was about to explode in rage. Maya had taken responsibility for nearly everything, and the Empress was still going to make the whole hive suffer regardless! And to make matters worse, the Empress goes even further.

Empress: This summer, next summer, and every summer after that!

Just before Y/N could let out a torrent of insults at the Empress in defiance and disbelief, the Queen herself had had enough and made her voice loud and clear.

Queen: Never! I should've stood up to you a long time ago. We accept your challenge, and we will win!

She then turns to Maya and gives her a supportive smile.

Queen: You can do it, Maya.

Willy: No. We can do it.

Maya and Y/N turn to Willy, who approaches Maya with his hand held out and smiles.

Willy: That's what friends do, right?

Bedford: Maya? You're the first bug that's ever believed in us.

The whole team smiled at Maya, who's green eyes were now welling up with tears again. Not with tears of sadness, but tears of joy. Suddenly, Team Poppy gets into one big group hug while chuckling. Y/N grins and manages to hug all of them while laughing, that boiling anger from earlier washing away in the moment.

Y/N: Y'all got this in the bag!

Violet, who stared at the group with twitching fingers growls lowly before turning to her team with a fake smile.

Violet: Group hug?

Her whole team look at her with dumbfounded expressions. After the way she treated them the day before, they couldn't believe she was trying to act nice to them and thought she could fool them.

Brian: Is she serious?

Violet, realizing her team wasn't going to reciprocate the feelings, frowns and looks defeated just as the announcer speaks once more.

Mantis: Competitors, to the starting line!

Just as the teams move to the finish line, Beegood lands near his daughter and takes her aside for a pep talk.

Beegood: What are you, petal?

Violet: I'm a winner, Daddy.

Beegood: Right. And what do winners do?

Violet: They win, whatever it takes.

Beegood: Exactly. When you get to Mount Stumpy, take the secret tunnel on the right.

Violet's grin and determination falter as she looks at her dad in shock.

Violet: What? What if we get caught?

Beegood simply scoffs and laughs softly as he ruffles her hair.

Beegood: I'm the Games Master, sweet leaf, you won't get caught.

Afterwards, she joins up with the rest of the competitors. Y/N gives all of Team Poppy fist bumps before flying up to where Beegood was at. He put on his best face, though, as he was still fuming at Beegood for a good multitude of reasons at this point.

Beegood: Racers, take your marks!

All the racers stand at the starting line, the dragonflies they would be taking a good dozen or so feet away from them.

Beegood: Get set!

Finally, they get into their running positions, ready to rush forward as they wait for the final signal.

And finally, it comes, in the form of the whistle blowing loudly.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now