Chapter 8

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The morning had finally come to start the second day of the Games, with Team Poppy sleeping soundly in their cabin. All except for one; Maya. She blows into a horn and wakes all of them up.

Maya: Wakey-wakey, Team Poppy! Your training session starts now!

Y/N rubs his ears before standing up, shaking his head as he was startled by the sound, much like everyone else.

Craig: Huh? What are you talking about? Yesterday was just a fluke, Maya! I'm outta here, excuse me!

Craig tries to leave, but is blocked from escaping by Maya, Willy, and Y/N.

Maya: Wait, you can't just give up!

Craig: What's the point of even trying?

Spinder: Don't you get it, Maya? Beegood only picked us because we're hopeless at everything.

Maya picks up a pebble as Spinder talks.

Maya: That's not true. Spinder, I want you to catch this pebble with your web.

Spinder: Really? Sounds kinda stupid, but, okay.

Maya: I know you can do it. Ready?

Spinder: No.

After Spinder's sarcastic response, Maya tosses the pebble into the air. Quickly, she fires several strings of web at it, but nearly shoots everyone else in the process before her own web tangles her up. Now on the ground, the pebble falls on her head as she groans.

Spinder: It's raining in my soul right now...

Maya: You just need a little more practice, that's all. What about your, Craig? Show us what great scuttlers roaches are!

Having been on edge after the barrage of web being shot, Maya's words only send him into a wall and ceiling climbing frenzy before he comes to a halt above them. Maya smiles and claps.

Maya: That was great! You didn't even notice the roof was dirty.

Craig yelps in panic before falling to the ground.

Maya: Your turn, Bedford. What's your special skill?

Bedford: I like to dance. Ooh, and singing. I like singing best.

Craig: Maya, it's no use, we're just not good enough.

Maya: Come on, sleepy bugs! We've got two hours until the Games start. If we wanna win it, we gotta be ready!

Y/N: Maya's right. You aren't gonna improve our skills by just moping about in here. Let's do some training!

Spinder: Oh no, they're doing it again.

Over the next two hours, Maya, Willy, and Y/N would have the rest of Team Poppy under rigorous training. Slowly but surely, their skills and athleticism would improve. Y/N, however, was still worried about something. Something that he thought Maya would mention at the start of the Games.

Once training was over, the team took a break before the start of the second game, and Y/N would beckon Maya over to him and whisper to her.

Y/N: Listen kid, it just occurred to me that we never mentioned why winning this is so important. I feel like letting them know would help motivate them to do their best.

Maya glances down at the ground before shaking her head.

Maya: I don't know, Y/N...I don't want them to worry about it. I want them to focus on the Games and nothing else.

Y/N sighs and rubs the back of his head.

Y/N: If ya say so, Maya. It's your choice whether or not you wanna tell 'em. I just wanna make sure you know what you're doing.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now