Chapter 3

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After the assembly, the students that were going to represent the school at the seminar were told to wait behind.

Apparently, it was both the senior prefects and their assistants that were to go which means, Troy and Ik, who probably came because of the seminar(He never resumes with other students on the first week of resumption, him coming on Monday was actually a shock), and Amira and I were the ones going.

See? That was so difficult for Troy to say. If he had just simply said 'Senior Prefects and their Assistants', I would have understood.

"Was that what was so difficult for you to say? ", I whispered quietly to him as he was standing next to me and as expected, he snobbed me- again

"Students, Get into the school bus now. It's time to go."

Troy and IK sat at the last row while Amira and I sat in the roll before them. Looking out the window, I heard Amira's voice,"Do you know anything about Covid- 19?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Just trivial things like, it is a virus that infects someone through air, hence the use of nose mask, Contact, hence we are advised to wash up after being out or if you can't wash your hands. It restricts the air entering through ones lungs therefore suffocating  the life out of the victim. It is adviced to be quarantined in case you think you might have it to avoid spreading around."

"I thought you said trivial things. That doesn't sound trivial", This time it was IK.
I was feeling myself.

" I didn't know most of the things you said. How did you know those things?".

I am definitely feeling myself now. Even Science students didn't know what it was.

"Dad insisted. And besides you know I'm a commercial student right. It's me that is teaching you this things. What happened to your biology textbook."

" Eh... Better take care, this one that your head is inflating, don't let us break it with wood o." Amira said

"Tell her", IK supported.

" Besides, being a commercial student has nothing to do with your health education, Reni. You have to be well informed, Science student or not". Troy just had to open his mouth, that too when it was none of his business.

Others bursted out to a mocking laughter.

I frowned,"Who even put your mouth there? Amebo! When someone ask you, you will not talk, it's now you are talking ."
(Poke noser)

"It's true sha", IK supported his friend. Amira continued to laugh no matter how hard she tried to stop it.

I pulled out my Phone from my side bag, sulking, I settled for checking my chats, Ire and Tola were definitely chatting me up. I expected that.

They started to make me laugh as they started their banter, insulting each other over WhatsApp as if they were not in the same class, we did general classes today.

I soon produced some sweets from my bag, I decided to share with others only to find everyone engrossed with their phones. I gave only Amira a sweet instead before removing a sweet wrapper, throwing it in my mouth.

Amira was surfing Google, looking at different right ups on Covid-19.

We finally reached the venue in thirty minutes and was ushered into the venue. We were asked to take a sit. Amira sat first then IK next to her. I sat between IK and Troy.

A lady came up stage, evidently a doctor or I may have been mistaken.

"Good morning, everyone. It's good to have you all here, starting from organisations to schools, who honoured our invitation.
We've called everyone here to create awareness amongst people about the Virus, Covid-19. If we asked people out there about Covid-19, Probably 50% or more aren't aware about it yet..."

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