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Ola came back out of his room for dinner that evening, free from his mother's constant nagging for the time being. That alone had created a spring in his leg, and he bounced all the way to the dining room.

He sat promptly on his seat, even though he noticed they had more visitors again; his mother was a people person. 

"Hi, fam,  I'm sorry, I'm a bit late tonight! And you, Tola, have come again. "Are you sure Mom hasn't adopted you?"

Reni began to laugh, only for "Tola" to raise her glammed-up face with a glare on her face. The only problem was that this Tola was very much an "Ewa."

"Ewa, what are you doing here?" Ola was very well shocked, right out of his mind.

"Is that how you greet your sweetheart?" "How can you not even recognize me?" Ewa was glaring at him.

Ola looked like he was about to crap himself; he could not tell if she was joking with him or if she was for real. She just had to throw a tantrum in front of his family.

Mrs. Adesokan was beyond delighted at the scene in front of her; she wanted to know how her son would react to that. Ewa seemed really pissed off.

"I... What?"  Ola still needed an answer as to how and why Ewa was suddenly seated next to him in his dining room. 

"Baby, baby...  I'm so sorry. "You didn't even inform me that you were coming today."

"You refused to bring me to your house. What do you expect me to do? I'm supposed to be your fiance! And you are hiding me from your family. I wanted to know them too. See, I learned that this is my mom and dad to be, this is my sisters to be Simi and Reni, and this beautiful half-cast will also be my brother-in-law in the near future! "Did you introduce me?"

"Babe!  "Come, let's go!" He had already dragged her out of her seat; he could barely believe she did that.

"Don't scream at that girl, o." She did the right thing! How could you hide your girl friend, now fiancée, from us?! Egba mi lowo omo yi ke o? "I invited her!

Ola royally ignored his mother, dragging Ewa all the way to his room. 

"What the hell is going on here?" How did my mother find you? "Why are you creating such a big scene in front of my family?"

"Why do you always ask a hundred questions at once?" Your mother called me; are you happy? And who the hell is Tola?!" Thinking about how Tola could make Ewa very antsy and jealous

"Well, if you were introduced to the rest of my family like you claimed, you would know that Tola is someone like my sister; she is Reni's best friend. Are you happy?" Do not shock me like that again. Anyway, what was the backstory you told my mother? I can't be acting like a fool in front of them; I won't be able to live it down.

"I didn't tell your mom anything." And be prepared: I'm already good friends with Dara, and Reni too loves me. Your mother, ehn, I will do anything to be in her good books." Now that Tola's matter had been sorted, she was back to her sassy self.

Ola knew that Ewa being friendly with Dara would not do him any good. In fact, he was scared it would cause him more harm than good. He tried to tell her not to try being friendly with his immediate younger sister, but she beat him to it.

"Now that we have nothing else to talk about, I need to have good food; our fast starts tomorrow."

She left him standing like an idiot. Only after she had slammed the door behind her and the clicks and clacks of her heels had faded had he finally discovered something big in her words.

Fast?  Tommorow?
What the hell?!

Ola walked back to the dining room to be more stunned than before. Ewa was laughing with reckless abandon with his family; no doubt, he was the subject of amusement. 

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