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"So she's back", Max's voice said from behind me.
My hand paused on the car handle, "It would seem that way." I started to open the door, when I heard his boots squeaking on the wet pavement, coming closer.
He slammed the door shut and stood in my way. Now I was going to be really late to meet Tyler.
"You can't push me out of this case and implant your merry band of psychos", he spat. "Taylor picked me."
I kept my face blank, bored, even as his words hit me like stones. "This is quite the turn from let's be friends, don't you think?"
Max dragged a hand through his short blond hair, "I thought we were really getting somewhere today."
"Me too", I fired back. "You see me back together with my sisters for the first time in years, and you automatically think I'm plotting against you?"
"Aren't you?" He demanded, holding my icy glare.
"Well, if I was, I wouldn't tell you, would I?", I gave him a cocky grin, before I shoved him out of the way to get to the door.
I didn't look back as the driver pulled away, but I still waited to see if the guilt would grip me.
It didn't, it never did.
Rain poured down on the early autumn Seattle night, lightly dancing off the bricks of Tyler's hotel.
I'm drawn to the rain. Maybe it's the momentary consistency that the whole area yields to. Maybe it's the way the whole area gets quiet, straining our ears to listen to that consistency.
Maybe I found the way rain could be both violent and comforting at once alluring.
Either way, I stood with my face tilted skyward. Not particularly caring that the rain was ruining my makeup.
"You're late", a velvet voice whispered.
My heartbeat quickened a pace, as I recognized that voice. The one I was hunting.
"I thought about texting you, but I don't have your number", I replied, keeping my face tilted up but opening my eyes.
"We can change that", he said.
Where are you hiding? Why are you waiting outside? Other questions tiptoed around my mind as I scanned the area for him.
There. Leaning underneath a shadowy overhand, slightly to the left and ahead of me. He had his head down, playing with a lighter with his other hand in his coat pocket.
And Tyler looked beautiful. Gray slacks framed his muscular legs, one propped up behind him on the wall, and a button down underneath a raincoat built to endure the Seattle weather. Dark hair, that I hadn't realized was so long, covered his eyes as he kept his head bowed. But the night accented the purple underneath his eyes.
What sleepless nights caused those circles, Tyler?
Like a melancholy painting, portraying a man left waiting in the rain for a mysterious girl, but then again, I suppose that's exactly what he was. What we were.
He flicked the lighter shut and put it in his pocket walking toward me, but not smiling.
Suddenly, doubt crashed into me. I wasn't a Revealer, I was a killer. What secrets could I get him to tell? Why would he trust me? My feet urged me to run.
But I shoved those thoughts down, down, and told myself I could do this. I would do this.
Tyler grabbed my chin, lightly, softly, as if he was afraid to hurt me. But his eyes stared into mine with a ferocity that even I found intimating.
I raised an eyebrow, daring him to say what was on his mind.
"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't do that again", Tyler kept his voice soft.
And I realized why a heartbeat after he finished speaking. It was so simple.
I'd hurt his feelings.
One of the most powerful men in the United Kingdom, on his way to being a legend, his feelings were hurt because I was late for a date.
"What if I'm early next week?", I said and before he could stop me, pushed up onto my toes and kissed him softly. Testing to see what he would do.
Delighted surprise lit his face as I pulled away. He smiled and dropped my chin, taking a step back.
"Then I'd forgive you and we can have a great night tonight", Tyler said, warmth filling his voice again. He gestured to a motorcycle leaning against the curb, twin helmets strapped to the handle bars.
"And where are you taking me?", I smiled coyly up at him.
He smiled. My chest contracted but my mind thrummed with one phrase: prime suspect, prime suspect, prime suspect.
"Where's the fun in telling you that?", Tyler tossed me the helmet, eyes dancing with challenge.
In answer, I strapped the helmet on before following him onto the bike, heart racing. He sped off into the Seattle night, with my arms around his chest.
I took a quick breath, and reminded myself of one fact.
That I was the huntress tonight.
"Tell me what you think of justice", I jerked my head up from my plate, brows raised.
"I love when you look surprised", Tyler continued "Go on, tell me I won't laugh."
I sipped from my champagne, contemplating my response. We sat next to each other, underneath a blanket at a rooftop restaurant booth, overlooking the Puget Sound. Heaters sprinkled around the long hall and our touching skin kept me pleasantly warm despite the chilly night. I caught myself gazing up at the glass overhang, which shielded the rooftop from the rain, more frequently than I'd like to admit.
The clatter of the restaurant moved around us in sound waves. It added to the atmosphere I knew he was trying to orchestrate, it relaxed my brain as much as the sparkling drink before me.
"Why do you ask?", I finally replied, before glancing back up to the glass overhang. Stars poked out from the dense clouds, as if they wanted to hear his reply too.
Tyler lifted his hand, but drew it quickly to his hair, like he was going to touch me but thought better of it. "Because I think you're becoming my friend", a shy smile. "And I like knowing what my friends think."
"Justice", I met his stare, "comes to those who go and take it. Justice is a synonym for retribution, revenge or Karma." I smiled, razor sharp.
He stared at me for a long moment, while I tried to read the emotions flashing across his face.
"That's not true", he whispered. "That's not actually what you think. Whose words are those because they're not yours?"
I blinked. Had I shown too much? Does he see me for what I really am?
Tyler cocked his head to the side, waiting.
"Let's just say Max and I come from a rather controlling family", I replied, with a much softer smile than the last one I gave.
"So are those your family words? Justice, Revenge, Retribution?", he raised a brow.
"Karma", I finished the trail of words. Blushing despite myself, I took another sip of wine.
"What do you think of justice?", he asked again.
I took a deep breath, before I decided to reply honestly. "I do think justice is earned. But I don't think it's decided by a jury of your peers. I think you can feel when justice is served."
His hazel eyes flashed at that. Was that anger or agreement? What are you hiding, Tyler?
I moved closer, not missing the way those eyes lingered on my body. "And you?" I purred.
"I honestly have no idea", he put an arm around me, drawing me closer. "I feel like heavy words like that change their meaning every day."
No way was I letting him off that easy when he pushed me so hard. "What do you think justice means", I pressed, smirking.
He smiled down at me "Well pushed, but our time is running short here and I have some other questions for you."
I let out a playful huff in protest.
"I'll tell you one day, but for now, tell me why you always wear long sleeves", Tyler smiled further, displaying dimples.
Because the sleeves hide my daggers, that I will likely use to kill you one day.
My smile became snakelike as I remembered who I was with, who despite my best efforts had still wooed me with a dinner and some flirty glances. How many other women have been in this seat, in this restaurant?
"I think it's time you took me back, my driver will be waiting", I said, tossing my hair and standing up.
"Wait, I didn't mean to offend you", Tyler stood, but didn't get out from around the table.
I turned back to him, kissing his cheek before I could change my mind, "I'm sure I'll tell you one day."
A low chuckle followed me out of the restaurant, "You sure love using my words against me."
I realized in that moment that this spy work was a dance, a dance that I would soon learn to master.
The ride to his hotel felt quick, honestly I was disappointed to see the evening coming to a close.
I turned to face him back at the hotel, stretching my hand to give the extra helmet back. But Tyler stopped me, he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me further, further into the shadows.
This was it, the finale to the dance, the moment he'd take the gentleman mask off.
And then I'd take my mask off before he could do any true harm.
He stared down at me, a thunderous intensity in his gaze, before he leaned in.
Kissing me once, twice. Soft and light.
Before he pulled away, hands in his pockets, and turned toward the grand entrance.
"Thank you for a lovely evening, same time next week?", he called over his shoulder and was gone.
I stood, stunned in the shadows. Cursing myself soundly for the stupid blush that crept over my face.

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