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The elevator doors opened as my vision blurred and bile rose in my throat.
Why would Taylor do this? Why, why, why?
The word spun around in my head, molding with the spinning tornado of my foolish behavior.
Why? Fool. Why? Fool.
The words locked together in an internal sparring match, making me dizzy to think about. So much so I barely took in the orante room around me.
So this was Tyler's suite, his stronghold.
I stepped out the elevator, staring into the minimalist hotel room. Tyler sidestepped me, taking broad steps to the floor to ceiling window on the other side of the room. He stopped with his back to me and gazed at the Space Needle, lit up in the dark.
It looked so similar to other hotel suites I'd murdered men in. Completely devoid of any personality, another warning sign. Tyler and his cousin have been living in the hotel for months trying to establish Red Wolfe on the west coast. But this room wasn't the room of a man who spent that much time in it.
I continued assessing the room, looking for a possible exit. It spread from a main living space with a fine, comfortable looking L-shaped couch with a coffee table before it. No notes, no used coffee cups, no laptop perched on the table.
A small kitchenette stood to my left that looked like it has never been used while Tyler stayed here. A door to a bedroom stood slightly ajar just to the left of the refrigerator. Bed neatly made, no clothes strewn about.
My gaze then fell upon Tyler, who's shoulders were shaking.
Leave now. A small voice repeatedly whispered in my ear. Leave, while he laughs about his latest triumph.
But he wasn't leaving. No, Tyler was crying.
I knew it could be a ruse to get me closer, but I stepped forward regardless. Fully aware of the potential fate I might face as I stepped away from the elevator.
Tyler didn't turn to look at me when I appeared at his side. Instead, he gazed on and on into the Seattle night.
And then he said something that changed everything.
Tyler took a deep shuddering breath and said, "My sister was raped and murdered ten years ago on this day."
And then he dissolved into tears completely.

The world stopped.

My own mind stopped.

"What?", I whispered. I didn't dare take my eyes off of Tyler, even as he put his hands over his face and wept.

Because men were cunning, men were actors, liars and thieves. And this could very well be just another performance.

Even as another small part of me cracked at the sight of this man falling to pieces before me. This man, who the world had put on a pedestal and my own agency had labeled a potential threat, still mourned the brutal death of his sister ten years later.

That small part of me splintered, opening wider as I reached out to touch his shoulder.

"Tyler", my voice still a whisper. "Why did you take me up here?"

He lowered his hands and pinned me with a red-rimmed stare. "Because I couldn't take another second of the party down there." His face contorted with rage and despair.

"All this wealth", Tyler continued stalking away from the window. "All this fucking money and projects and plans. None of it matters, because I'll never get to run this company with Susie." He perched on the arm rest of the couch, whipping his running nose on his suit jacket.

Tyler stared and stared out into the cool night where a gentle rain continued to stain the windows. And I stared and stared at him.

Hurt men hurt people. That had been one of the first lessons Taylor had taught me. And reminded me repeatedly, often referencing my own childhood...

I shoved those dark thoughts away, focusing again on my prey.

Tyler showed me that he was a kind man, a considerate man. But I needed to know if this was an act to get me off my footing.

So, I found myself walking toward him, putting a hand on his shoulder as I sat next to him, and said, "Tell me what happened Tyler."

The universe well and truly hated me. I decided while Tyler told me about his sister, Susie's death, that the universe truly wanted me, for the first time in my miserable, wicked life, to have no fucking idea what to do next.

Tyler took a shuddering breath, and stood from the sofa. "You can't...tell anyone. Nobody knows...about what I did to the person who hurt Susie."

"I won't tell a soul", I promised. I meant it. At least until I figured out what to do with this information.

"I have to clean up. Everyone will be wondering where we spirited away to", Tyler turned toward the adjourning room.

I stood, deciding to use the time to survey the room, "Probably that you've taken a girl up her with dishonorable intentions."

Tyler chuckled weakly, "Never."

"Why tell me?", I pressed.

His eyes were still lined with silver as he said, "Because I want you to know me. All of me." He disappeared into the room.

Alone in the main room, I felt something tighten in my chest.

Tighten, and then shatter completely.

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