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Raindrops bombarded my senses as I stepped into the alleyway outside of Witch's Brew and started up at our headquarters building. The lights of the building glowed in the early twilight. So many people worked, lived and fought for what was right inside that building. So many people who would soon be under my command.

Well, mine and the man standing next to me. Subtly trying to act like he wasn't watching me.

I vaguely wondered how many also lost themselves to the feel of a kill. The feeling of being a self-righteous angel of death.

I snorted. Rain fell into my eyes, into my hair, but I kept looking up, as I felt the cool water slide down my face, pooling near my collarbone.

Would I lead them in the right direction? Or would my bloodlust lead to more innocent people dying?

I rolled my neck to the side and dragged my hand over my eyes, clearing them of some rain droplets as I walked toward Max. He glanced over at me from the alcove of a door, then turned his gaze back up the street. Ignoring me as he looked for the car that would take us to Tyler's hotel.

"You're not wearing heels," Max commented, glancing down at me. Without my usual heels, I barely came up to his shoulder.

"I stopped wearing heels on missions a while ago. It's harder to run," I smirked, crossing my arms. His gaze went to the sleeves, to the twin knives concealed beneath.

"You still have your favorite accessory, I see", Max traced a finger down the cool metal against my skin. Goosebumps erupted under his touch.

"What are we doing, Max?" I took a small step back.

Hurt flashed across his face and my chest tightened a bit, "That is entirely up to you."

I looked up the alleyway, more to avoid looking at him than looking for the car. But what was taking the car so long anyway?

"Thea," Max's voice sounded soft, reserved. "I'm still in love with you." There were those words again, rumbling in me like the thunder above us. How rare for Seattle to get a thunderstorm, I reflected. How rare to hear those words from someone, too.

I closed my eyes, sighing through my nose. "I know, I want to forgive you." I turned toward him, tears blurred my vision. "Why did you go?" I bit out.

Headlights flashed behind me, and I whirled, seeing our car with its windshield wipers battling the rain.

Max sighed, but promised, "I'll tell you when we get back tonight."

I looked up at him and opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off, "It's time you know, I've wanted to tell you for a while. But first, let's close this case."

He smiled, more than a touch of wickedness in his eyes, as he held the door open for me.

I rolled my shoulders, checked that my knives were secure and stepped into the car.

Our plan was simple, almost foolproof. We went over it again and again, nonetheless as we dressed in battle black earlier this evening.

Max and I got the signal that Tyler was on a ferry heading toward the fundraiser on Bainbridge Island about a half hour ago from one of Becca's spies. We estimated that Tyler wouldn't be back for five hours at the earliest, eight if we were lucky.

Plenty of time for Max and I to slip into his suite, and quietly slip back out. Hopefully with the information we needed.

I layed out all the information I had of Tyler's suite, cursing myself for not searching more when I was in there. I gave all the information to our technical staff about the security team. From there, the team would play a constant loop over the hotel's security cameras. Simple, easy, quick. That was our goal.

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