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The morgue in our Headquarters never bothered me before. The constant chill, the unnatural preservation smells, it all seemed to move around me, instead of affecting me.

Until today.

As I force myself to stare down at Max and Alexia, it all truly hits me.

Even the damn air down here feels heavy. Like it's purposely forcing you to use more energy just to keep breathing.

Then again, that simply could be my own emotional reaction.

Max's face is slightly swollen from the drug he took to end his own life, rather than face the justice of karma. But he knew his fate would lead him to this table once the truth came out, so he did it on his terms.

I always found it curious how quickly the body starts to fade of any color when death comes. Max has been dead for less than twelve hours, but his lips are already becoming a stark blue and there's no warmth coming from his skin.

Lips that I once worshiped, and a body that curled around mine, fading and soon to be burned.

I thought this man would be my future, and I was dangerously close to this man becoming just that.

I know he loved me, and I know he was my first love.

But above all else, I've learned that love can blind you, and lead you to a dark place. I know that it can drive you to manipulate the one you love for your own plans.

I stare and stare at Max's closed eyes, and I imagine the crushing seafoam blue staring back at me as I say goodbye.

"My love is out there," I say to his body. "That love will never leave, never scheme, never manipulate me." I take a shaking breath, "that love will see me as a queen and not a pawn. And I will be happy." I lean closer to his ear, "that is my last promise and threat to you, Max. Rest well."

I stand, looking one last time at the man I loved before pivoting to Alexia's body.

"And you," I glare down at her lifeless form. The brutal red line from my knife stands out against her rapidly paling skin. "Tyler will be happy. Tyler will not have to hide who he is for anyone's agenda ever again. He will work with us to bring more people like you into this room. That I promise you, Alexia."

Although I've said all those words to those villains for me and I know they can't hear me, I've never felt more centered. And I wonder if on some plane of existence, they did hear me.

A faint smile dances on my lips at the thought, as I head toward my final task before I go.


Taylor stands from behind her stupid, behemoth desk when I enter her office and shut the door. The mid-winter sun plays off the permanent snow capped mountains in the distance.

She smiles at me, and it has no trace of being a sneer or sarcastic, "This belongs to you. The other Vixens have all decided."

I nod my head, "I also dreamed about what this moment would feel like. Standing on my own to rule CARMA."

Tyler slightly bows her head, "You're ready, Thea."

I met her eyes, and smile back, "No I'm not."

Taylor stares at me like I've completely lost my mind, before she can reply, I reach down and open the door, "But she is."

Becca walks into the office looking more than a little sheepish but holds her head high.

Taylor's laugh booms around the office, "Well, I didn't expect that, but I agree with her choice, Thea," she claps her hands. "Alright then, let's get to work. I'll call the other Vixens. We have a coronation to plan."

I smile at my friend, as I reach down and squeeze the new Head Vixen's hand.


Two months later, I'm sitting in a corner cafe as my new partner, Jamie, walks toward me with his hands in his suit pockets.

"Let me be the one to ask," I outright beg once he's within ear shot.

He laughs, the spring London sun bringing out the gold in his deep brown eyes and playing on his dark skin, "No."

"Please, please, please", I bring my hands into a prayer and continue to beg.

He smiles, scratching his strong jaw as his eyes land on my plate, "Will you give me the rest of that pastry if I let you ask?"

I borderline throw the pastry at him, "It's yours!"

"Thanks," Jamie says thickly as he finishes it off.

I watch my new partner as he surveys the streets around us. He's handsome, there's no denying, and he's only a few years older than me. Like I was before I transferred, Jamie is one of the best in his section of CARMA, if not the best. Despite his good looks, I'm refusing to be anything more than his friend. Not that he's asked, but I am not getting involved with anyone for a good long while.

He was less than thrilled to get a former Murderer as his new partner, but I'm slowly winning him over. Especially since today is the day he finally let me ask our new recruit the question.

Jamie stands looking at his watch, "It's time. And if you want to ask the question, then you need to give me the rest of your coffee too."

I roll my eyes, but hand him the cup.

"Thanks," He smirks, and I ignore the flutter in my stomach. "Also, I'm lying. There's no way I'm letting a new recruiter ask." And sets off down the street.

"What?", I seethe, storming down the street toward the school.

"Maybe next time, rookie," he winks.

"You owe me a muffin," I shove his shoulder with mine. "Besides, it's thanks to me that we have this intel."

Jamie glances at me sidelong, "That's a fair point, partner. But the answer is still no."

I roll my eyes at him again, and he laughs before opening the door to the downtown private London school.

A little over a month and a half ago, I told Taylor and Becca my intentions to transfer into the recruiting and training section of CARMA. My cover was blown anyway from the Red Wolfe mission, and I still continue to be photographed with Tyler.

Taylor was disappointed, but understood it was for the best, and introduced me to Jamie. We then traveled to Kensington to get that little girl out of her home situation. Her new name is Ariel, and she is already looking like an expert at knife throwing.

While we were there, I caught a quick lunch with Tyler. Red Wolfe continues to thrive in London and is expanding in America. He's even considering opening a Canadian branch.

But what I'm most proud of him for is his most recent spread in The Times about being one of the few openly gay CEOs worldwide.

I got to meet his new boyfriend at lunch, and I smile at the memory.

Especially at the memory of the file he slipped me while his boyfriend was in the bathroom. The file showed me pictures of another little girl, reportedly being abused by her parents and has a keen skill for lying about it.

Which led Jamie and I into some investigation and that's how we found Ariel.

Ariel, who's currently being led into the classroom by a teacher. We can see the four large finger marked bruises wrapped around her small upper arm from where we stand feet away.

"Sweetheart, what happened to your arm?," I ask.

The little girl looks me dead in the eye, "Some of the boys around here play rough. It was an accident." She holds her little chin high, not one hint of embarrassment at the lie.

Jamie and I exchange a look.

He gets down to one knee, but still towers over the girl due to his height. "My partner and I know that's not true, Ariel."

Color drains from the little girl's face, but she doesn't back down, "I don't know what you mean."

Jamie gives her a sad smile, "Yes you do, honey. Now, what can you tell me about karma?"

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