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The stranger before me sits in a plush armchair I've never seen in Taylor's office and stares out into the dark Seattle night. A cup of steaming mint tea, judging by the smell, shakes slightly in her cupped hands.
Her hands.
The nails are painted red like she could disguise what she'd be doing to them. All ten nails are either picked or bitten enough to show dried blood.
What happened to you? I wanted to scream, my own blood rolled and roared in my veins. Tell me. Tell me who did this and I'll make it right. I'll fix this. I'll end this. I'll -
Becca's voice cut through my murderous thoughts, "Karlie", the woman - Karlie - flinched slightly "I need you to tell the others what you told me tonight."
Karlie's shoulders caved in, she looked like she wanted to disappear into the chair and took a slow steadying breath through her nose.
"Before you say anything, I want to remind you that what Becca promised is still true", Taylor told her in a gentle voice that was so rarely used. Only now, only in these moments. "We can place you into another marketing department, in this city or another. Your career will not suffer."
"As long as I don't say anything about your operations", Karlie spat with more fire than I thought she had left. Tears rolled down her face, and I looked out the window away from the site.
Taylor continued on, in that calm, gentle voice, "Yes. It's critical that CARMA remains hidden if we are to continue to help people who need it. People like you."
I fixed my gaze on the gathering stars barely poking out in the Seattle light pollution. I hated this part. When we had to bribe our witnesses for their silence. It was something the Head Vixen organized and told the witnesses personally. Something, I realized with a start, I would have to do someday.
Maybe it was that realization, but I found myself saying to the witness, "CARMA has top tier trauma therapists and counselors. Along with a fresh start, we will set you up with one of them." Karlie's gaze slid from Taylor to me, her eyes softened. "Can I meet with them over video-chat?"
I nodded once, firm and with conviction, "Of course."
My eyes found Taylor's and I saw pride flash across her features before she turned back to Becca and gave a slight nod.
She understood that que and began her clever, yet kind, line of questioning. One that she had become a master at throughout her years as a Questioner. I never knew if the years on the streets or in the abusive household had taught her to read people with the expertise she can. Perhaps both. I tuned in again as Becca neared the end of her preamble. Designed and crafted to put witnesses at ease.
"I know this is scary, Karlie", Becca whispered, kneeling before her and taking her shaking hands in hers. "But please tell my friends what you told me. We'll make it right, together."
Karlie glanced up at Max, "Not with him here."
Again, to his credit, Max didn't argue. He gave a small bob of his head and turned to head out the door.
My stare found Taylor's once more and I knew she read every thought going through my head.
See? See? A man cannot lead this organization. A man cannot do what the Head Vixen must.
Taylor broke my gaze, shaking her head and turned to Karlie. Intent and sincere.
Karlie took another breath and began.

"A woman is doing this?", Max asked dumbfounded hours later. "All the signs pointed toward a man as the assailant."
My eyes burned and my throat felt paper dry as I pushed down on the emotions bubbling inside me.
"It's certainly unexpected", Taylor said as she resumed her pacing in front of the sweeping window in her office.
"What now?", I asked. My first words in hours as Karlie supplied us with the damning information.
She left minutes before with Becca, to set up her new life at a new company. Then, Becca would confirm the story with the six others Karlie had mentioned. Six others.
CARMA protocol dictated that we only needed the full story from one key witness. The Questioners could confirm the story through small tells that abuse was happening from the others a witness mentioned. That process is typically quick, taking a Questioner only a day or two to complete, with a Revealer working in conjunction to confirm the accuracy.
I knew Becca and Max would only need a day after what Karlie had shared.
That the Seattle branch's head of marketing was our assailant. A woman I had never crossed paths with despite all my weeks of snooping and stalking after Tyler. A woman named Erin Sloane.
She came with Tyler and Alexia from England and discovered on this side of the pond that she had a taste for power.
"Ms. Sloane does this to men and women", Karlie had told us. "It's-it's about the power. I can give you the others' names."
Ms. Sloane, it seemed, would threaten and hold back the people who did not accept her offer into her bed. And reward those who did, unless they stopped.
She had a network of those she hurt in her department. Those we would now free.
And a shameful, oily part of me, was overjoyed that Tyler was innocent.
"Now, you change into red and start to hunt", Taylor replied.
Max looked at me, eyes bright with the thrill of the chase. And this time, I did smirk back.
Red. The official color that a Murderer was granted the rights to kill from the Vixen. I'd wear it until I was successful.
"Karlie said that Ms. Sloane has a favorite bar for hockey games, and the Kraken happen to be playing tomorrow night", I told Max. "Do you think Becca and you can get me confirmation by then?"
"Consider it done.", he replied.

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