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"Where have you been", Max hisses my ear the second I step out of the elevator and back into the party still in full swing.
I gave him a smirk before glancing back over my shoulder at Tyler, "Busy."
Color ran out of Max's face and pooled at his throat.
"D-did he...do anything", fury lined his beautiful features.
My smirk grew into a wicked grin, "would he be breathing if he did anything I didn't want?"
Max sharply inhaled, but before he could speak Alexia and Tyler joined us. Tyler slipped a hand around my waist, and I watched Alexia mark his movement.
"You were planning on staying in the city this weekend, right Alexia?" Tyler asked his cousin.
"Of course", she replied, eyebrows scrunching together. "I always stay in the city."
"Why.", Max asked more of a command for information than a question.
Tyler and I exchanged matching smiles, "because we're going to spend some alone time in the mountain air."
Max stared at me. Betrayal and a future temper tantrum shined in his eyes, "are you."
Before I could reply, Becca appeared at Alexia's shoulder.
"Excuse me, ma'am", Becca looked anxiously up at Alexia.
Pretending not to know my best friend is always difficult, but I arranged my face into polite interested mask.
A mask that threatened to crumble when Alexia looked down her nose at Becca.
"This better be important."
My blood roared and pounded in my veins. I tried to shove the feeling down, but continued to stare at Alexia with contempt.
"There's an investor asking for you", Becca replied, continuing her anxious intern fasade. "He's asking if the walls are truly made from fallen Sequoia trees or if they're just manufactured."
Alexia scoffed, "Of course they are really made from fallen Sequoia trees. Where is he?"
Becca pointed to a man examining the wooden wall across the room and Alexis stalked off, dragging Tyler with her.
But Max and I were staring at Becca. Staring at Becca as she gave us a curt nod and dissolved back into the crowd.
"Did she say Sequoia", Max asked me.
Sequoia. CARMA's code word that meant someone has critical information that needed to be revealed. It meant drop what you're doing and head to Taylor's office. Now.
"We better start moving. Here, take this", I replied, handing him a bright blue pill I discreetly grabbed from my bag.
Max quickly swallowed it as we aimed toward Alexia and Tyler at a casual pace.
"Nosebleed", I said under my breath as we reached the cousins.
"Typical", Max snorted with equal quite.
Just as Alexia turned to look at us, Max's nose started profusely leaking blood.
A little scream escaped Alexia as she hurried over and I handed Max a couple napkins from a nearby table.
"Are you ok", Alexia asked wide-eyed.
"Fine, fine", Max waved her off as I patted his arm sympathetically. "I don't think it's going to stop any time soon. We should get out of here." He turned to me and I nodded.
"You're right, this one is a bad one. Let's get you back to our hotel", I cooed. Alexia looked torn between arguing for us to stay and the desire to get him out of here and away from her bejeweled party as quickly as possible.
"Alright, text me later?", she said hopefully to Max.
He smiled underneath the napkin, "of course." Alexia blushed.
"What's going on", Tyler asked as Max and I pushed our way through the crowd.
"Got a nosebleed", max sighed.
"It happens sometimes, I gotta take him home." I glanced up at Tyler. "I'll meet you outside Max."
Max stopped as if stunned.
"I'll be right there." I pushed firmly on his shoulder, and he stumbled through the hotel door.
I took a deep breath, "thank you for telling me your story." I wish my voice sounded stronger.
"Thank you for listening", Tyler brushed a hair from my face.  "Will you come to my cabin this weekend."
"Yes", I smiled and pushed up on my tiptoes to kiss him.
"Then I'll see you here the day after tomorrow, and we'll leave them."
I smiled and nodded before heading out the doors after Max.
I was still smiling as Max turned to me, blood coating his face and said, "you're falling for him aren't you?"

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