Chapter 26: Present

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-----------------Percy's POV: --------------------

All in all, I'd say the day ended well, maybe it went on a bit longer than I expected, but hey, what can you do except have fun? It was nice seeing Damien not act all adult for once, or well, not as much as usual. Even as we walked back to the abandoned building, it was nice seeing him at ease.

"So, have you given any thought to my question?" I asked, watching as Damien looked over, his small cow sticking out of the pocket of his hoodie. He looked confused for a moment before realization washed over him.

"I have," he mumbled. Turning his head to face in front of us. He took a deep breath before starting. "I think that my perfect society is one free of chaos, one where everyone is equal." I nodded.

"And how are you going to enforce this?"

"In any way that is deemed necessary." He said strictly, keeping his voice cold. He sounded like Talia.

"So if your mom did something bad, would you kill her?" Damien turned to look at me, eyes wide for a moment before the question sunk in. He stayed quiet then, I smiled as I shook my head.

"Damien, there is no "perfect society", but we can get close. Killing everyone isn't the solution to everything." we neared the building, and I could feel our walks becoming tenser by the second. "Maybe try and think about who and why you kill-"

"Damien! Orca!" I turned to see Talia jump down from above, her boots slamming against the ground as she threw her hair back, revealing a very angry lady. "Where have you been!? I've been looking for you!" She yelled, turning to Damien with a glare as harsh as I've ever seen from her. "I told you to train! How could you-"

I stuck my arm out in front of Damien, blocking her view of him. "Talia,I took him out today. You need to calm down." She narrowed her eyes at me as I narrowed mine back.

"Orca, I need you to quit your meddling. He is not your kid, leave the lessons to me." She leaned to the side, looking at Damien. "You come with me, you're not completely off the hook." A small part of me felt relief as Damien rushed by, he ran into the building. "Orca." My eyes drifted back to meet Talia's cold ones.

"I'm going to ask this once, because I would normally kill you if you'd been anyone else, but you need to leave Damien alone. He is being trained to run the league once my father retires and I will not stand for you brainwashing him and filling his head with stupid ideas." I clenched my fist as she poked me on the collarbone. "I know a bit of what you've been through but no matter that, or how we came to meet, you better take this second chance gracefully because I'm not afraid to turn my back on you, and you know what that would mean." I narrowed my eyes at her.

She had no clue about the damage that she was doing to this kid, or maybe she didn't care. One thing I knew was that Damien deserved better. Maybe I would have to be a bit quieter in my aid.

"Fine," I spat, she glared a moment longer before backing up, rubbing her wrist slightly.

"Go home Orca, I don't want to see you till tomorrow." I nodded before turning and walking off. I had to keep my hands clenched to not turn around and yell right here. Her negligence was infuriating. Somehow, I was going to help him.


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