Chapter 45: Present

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—————-Percy's POV:—————-

Another two weeks, more radio silence except this time it truly was silent. No missions, no messages. I'd resorted to setting up a ping pong table. A very nifty contraption Leo would've been proud of. At least, coming from a child of Poseidon.

Today though, I was ping pong-ed out. I laid on one of the tables, staring up at the ceiling above.

Was this coming out of my vacation days? Because I swear I will throw hands.

I sighed as I rolled over, I stared intently at the massive screen, a small icon bounced around from corner to corner.

Message! Message! Message!

I thought the word repeatedly, hoping that a single message would appear. At this point, I'd even take a mission.

I let out a sigh after I saw nothing was coming.

I went to lay back down when a sudden notification startled me from my laying position. I quickly hopped off the table before clicking the buttons to open the message.

"We've been attacked. Damian will be coming home. I fear it's time I told you who Damian's father is. " I blinked a few times. I quickly scrolled down. It was killing my eyes to try and read this but I was just going to have to deal. "Contact Batman, I don't care how. He is Damian's biological father. I will be sending him home for a while until we can figure things out. Deathstroke killed his grandfather, our plan is in a state of confusion. I've hidden a letter in the fridge, please go grab it and give it to the Bat tonight. Damian will be over in a couple hours by the time you receive this message."

My eyes scanned over the words at least twenty more times, I had to be wrong, there was no way it was talking about Bruce Wayne.

I re-read the paragraph at least 20 more times before I deduced that I was having a manic episode from being alone for so long. There was no way.

Check the fridge.

If I'm going crazy then I will not find a letter in the fridge.

I turned and ran, almost slamming into the fridge as I ripped open the door and pushed past the food I'd left inside the fridge. How had I not noticed a... then I spotted the jello Talia had left for me. I'd never touched it because well... it never went bad and I kinda forgot about it.

I quickly pulled it out and walked over to the table, slamming the fridge door behind me.

I tossed the jello onto the table, placing my two hands on the side to balance myself I stared into the jello. As if the fates were trying to make me miserable I saw a plastic bag at the bottom with a letter in it.

"I- oh my- she pulled a fucking office reference on me." I reached my hand into the jelly substance, the freezing cold material coating my hand as I clenched my fingers around the baggy. I pulled it out, watching as the small green bits slowly slid down the bag before sploching onto the rest of the green jelly pile.

I shook my hand violently, sending pieces of green goo careening across the room. I opened the baggy and pulled out the letter, on the outside, in a cursive that made me want to rip my eyes out, read "to my dearly beloved" I decided it wise not to reread it 40 times and make me want to vomit more than I already did.

I wanted to open it so desperately, to see why I'd never known he'd had a kid, had Bruce? I mean Damian was old enough to the point I was around after he was born. No one mentioned him. So much for worlds greatest detective, he didn't even know about his own child.

This was Talia we were talking about though, who knew what means she went through to keep it that way.

I took in a shaky breath. I needed to focus.

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