Chapter 2: The Start Of The End - QUINNS POV

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It came closer and closer, snarling and growling each step, but then it paused. It lunged at Evelyn, arms out and teeth biting, they looked rotten and as if the person had died years ago, and as me and Morgan attempted to find a weapon as Evelyn was slowly backing away from the corpse, a child appeared and another one, identical.
          They seemed as if they were twins, the sound of an arrow flung and before I could process the moment, the ghoul was on the ground, head pierced with the arrow I had heard a moment ago. This brought a memory to the top of my mind, before I had gotten brung into the lab I had a twin as well, Cinderella was her name, and I hadn't seen her for some time but it made me upset to know that my sister was possibly out there, fighting alone,or worse.   
          I was determined to find her and receive contact, but the memories flooded my mind once more and I saw the image of cinderella getting taken away to a witch trial that I had recognized from storybooks and suspected they were just playing, but hadn't seen her since. A faint voice came through "Quinn? QUINN!" The voice was familiar, it was Evelyn. "Are you okay? These two are trying to help us and offered to explain everything. and also please, pick up that.... thing... too." I just stared at her and gently placed my hand on her cheek. That was a lot to take in, but I removed my hand and slowly sat up, tossed the corpse over my shoulder, and followed as we left the crater and passed all of the guts of others.
       We ran into some problems like knocked over trees but somehow the child had casted a spell for levitation, then took out a radio to keep up with the news, it said the dialog:
         "Welcome to channel 4 news! Today we are going to be talking about the apocalyptic segment. There are corpses walking the roads of our city, spreading to the country and soon will be in the whole world! Scientists would be finding the cure but the labs are stocked with the corpses and are blocked out. Stay safe and stay at your homes, I'm signing off and anyone eligible to update will. Protect yourself."
          The woman was speaking quickly and in a terrified voice, It was unbelievable. This type of situation only happens in fairytales is what we were sure. But my thinking was cut short when we finally arrived at the tiny shelter made from house wood, their parents had been gone away and the kids had some hope and believed that they were fortunate enough and lived. We all watched as Luca rapidly flicked through the pages to find a construction spell, hex, anything. Finally they stopped at one and tried twice before it would succeed.
          We soon had a little hut and found out the location of where we were after researching on maps. We were in the Wonderstrom Forest, Montana, the most hidden yet most obvious hiding place to be, it has some animal and loads of wood so we could survive for a while, yet it has many plants and areas, so if we want to make an antidote then that would be the right place to be.
         Slowly we chopped wood, getting many blisters and other injuries, we built a barrier for safety, and we also had to guard the place by making scavenging adventures to the outside in order to stop some spreading or gather supplies, we also wanted to try and find other humans to bring and save from the virus because then we would have more chances of getting an antidote.
        This next mission would be risky though, so who would be the perfect fit for it? It finally hit me. I realized that we needed to send out a sneaky person, meaning a short or young and agile person, and there were 3 perfect fits. Evelyn, Or one of the twins. And I was going to do everything in my power to keep Evelyn from this task.

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