Chapter 4.5: Live, Laugh, Survive - Part 2

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We crept into the store single file, although we were immortalized it didn't mean that we couldn't be infected or hurt, and Evee wasn't immortal either. I was unsure of my ability to sneak into the store but soon ended up inside of an aisle and pressed against a wall, signalling Quinn to enter and Evee after her.  
        Once we all arrived inside of the corner shop we separated into the aisles, although Evee often swapped between following me and Quinn. I had to make sure that Evee survived or else Evelyn would kill me. Once she had chosen to stay with me I suddenly felt a large amount of weight on my shoulders.
       Ghouls were roaming the aisles, behind the counters, the city, the population was decreasing each day, and it was because of these undead assholes. I felt the urge to just shoot them then and there but that would put me and the others at risk, and that is NOT what we wanted right now. I could hear the growls and groans, if I ended up losing this kid I would be dead myself. I snuck to the next aisle and grabbed everything i could as quiet as possible.   
           Quinn had left about 8 minutes ago with a full bag so that she could set off a distraction for us to leave. I glanced over my shoulder for a moment to make sure that Evee had collected everything on her side. She had a full bag and was waiting for me to finish, so I quickly packed everything and grabbed her arm, we both snuck out of the store before running into Quinn being surrounded by a crowd of the walkers. She was fighting good but she was low on ammunition and her knife was becoming too weak. I ran into the crowd and shot every ghoul that came near us, Evee understood and put the bags in the car before getting in her seat and closing her door. Me and Quinn had quickly gotten every one of the walkers out but the shots attracted more and we could hear the growling. We continued trying to fight them off and once we got to the last 3, before i could even move they were on the ground. They fell and it revealed Evee, gun raised and fingers on the trigger. I looked at her with pride and we ran to the car as quickly as possible. I started it up before immediately going back to the prison. I pulled into the parking space and we each took a bag as the gates opened and we went inside. Evee ran straight to Evelyn and Quinn also ran to Evelyn, giving her a heartfelt hug and a soft kiss. they make me feel so single.
         I called out as I noticed the gates were still wildly opened and nodded towards them, I immediately got a glare from Quinn and the twins closed the gates because they were also caught up in the relationship. In the end we stacked everything back into the prison and had a portioned dinner before everyone headed to their cell blocks to do whatever they wanted. I went to my cell block which was cell block A, And I put on my glasses that not many people know I have. I sat at my desk and focused on writing an essay I was working on to pass the time before going outside and taking my guard for the night, this day was a long one especially since I was the only one that noticed a woman getting torn apart limb from limb as we drove to the convenience store.
        I always did wonder what the lives of the monsters were like before they became what they are now, were they normal? Were they also from a lab like us? Did they enjoy it? If only there was just some way out of here, I would be on the search for it immediately, but if I was able to survive that explosion, then I must be on this earth for a reason, and I will find out what it is. My shift ends and i arrive back at my cell. I collapse onto my bed and stare at the roof, soon drifting off to sleep.

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