Chapter 13: On Deaths Doorstep - MORGANS POV

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The moment I left the shelter I was on my way back, well not exactly but you get what I mean. Walking back with Evelyn was one thing, but the twins? Dumbasses. Nico kept shooting ahead of the road and running straight to the arrows while I had Luca try to take away his bow. He failed every attempt but the thoughtfulness was nice. Speaking of thoughts, this is my last one because surprise-surprise, and entire herd is ahead of us.
    Fuck. God really had to pick favourites right now?
"Uh, Morg? Might wanna stop walking."
I didn't even notice that I was standing directly in front of the crowd of bastards. Jesus, they were uglier than usual. I snapped out of my mind and stumbled back the moment one of them lunged at me.
"Oh Shit..."
Was all I could say before the growls and groans appeared. I got lunged at multiple times before stepping back more and more, I reached into my belt and grabbed my gun, immediately holding it directly in front of me.
"Boys, Eve, back me up here."
I say before firing a shot and ushering myself and the others backwards, hearing the overlapping footsteps trailing behind us. My mind was putting no control over my body, my legs sprinted as I grabbed Nicos right hand in my left hand, and Luca's left hand in my right. At that point I was the one making us all run. Evelyn was not left behind since she had Luca's hand, and he didn't seem to have his mind set on letting her go anytime soon.
      I heard Evelyn fire a few shots from behind us before I heard her footsteps running with us again, she was fine. I clenched the boys' hands and kept running, I looked back at Evelyn. She was almost out of energy. Now, it's up to me, and for once i'm deciding.
     My ex, the girl that helped me through finding my identity, the girl that almost made me die. It's up to me. Will I save her and be a good person, allowing the thoughts to continue racing every time I even glance at her, or will I leave her and make my parents proud, soothing my mind as well. Will I leave her like my own will to live left me, or will I keep her memory on this earth?
     I look directly at her, my eyes softening as the crowd of mindless animals approached her. She looked back. I know what she's thinking, that if she dies then Quinn will go on a rampage. Am I willing to let Quinn lash out, or will I end Evelyns life like i've wanted to do many times in the past? Am I a sinner or a saint? The memories flood my mind and time stops. Suddenly i'm a child, my father is leaving and slamming the door. I'm being dragged away by scientists, i'm screaming and crying for my mother. I'm on my knees in the lab, begging for my release. I'm with Evelyn, we're working together. I found myself, and she's there, but she's not there with me, she's with Quinn. Quinn, my best friend and Saviour. Quinn, my enemy and rival.
       More memories are racing, My mother is throwing things and crying, she's screaming my fathers name, shes blaming him, she's telling me that she would have done the same if. She's crying. She's telling me that leaving is the best choice. I'm thinking of Evelyn again, i'm picturing her corpse in my mind.
         Suddenly everything is black. I'm taking a breath and looking between Evelyn and the twins.
                        I've made my decision.

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