Chapter 11: Reality From Afar - Evelyns POV

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     "Ugh... my head..."
    I groaned, slowly sitting up before being instantly pulled back down by the rope I had previously tied myself to.
    I leaned my head back, letting my hair fall. I complained to myself while trying to untie the knotted disaster that I dared to call a 'Simple slip knot'. My face looked even worse than the knot. I seemed way too pale from the cold and seemed to be shivering when in reality I was sweating. I have never in my 16 years on earth understood science, how could one feel burning like fire when covered in ice or snow? 'Whatever' I thought to myself.
     My hands were throbbing, but eventually I felt a sudden wave of relief wash over me once I untied the rope. I unhooked it from my body and sat up. I heard my bones crack, sleeping in trees is definitely not my best choice. I crawl to the trunk part of the tree and stare down. There were no corpses, only the occasional mauled squirrels. I climb down the tree and nearly slip, Jesus I am not having a good day today. My ears begin to ring, I heard a gunshot. I jump off of the tree as quickly as possible since I was over halfway down and cover my ears immediately. This is a good time to think, I heard a gun, meaning there is another survivor. Positive effects, it could be Morgan or one of the twins, maybe even Quinn but I highly doubt that she would search for me since she has faith in me. Now the negative effects are that it could be a murderer survivor group or, even though there's basically no chance, it could be a ghoul with a gun. A small giggle escapes my mouth at the thought and I uncover my ears. Damn, I can hear again. I look around and attempt to spot a person or a bullet indent but I find nothing. This apocalypse stuff is creepy as hell, is it too late to back out?
      I toss my bag over my shoulder and begin walking along the train tracks again, how the fuck did three people get so far in 2 or 3 days? I glance up the tracks and speed up at the sight of a small clearing, it's painful to walk since my back still hurts from the branch but I just bite my tongue and remind myself what this is for. 'You can do it. Suck it up and keep going, almost there Eve.' I think to myself and slow down slightly, panting silently. 'Alright maybe not.' I continue walking, not speeding up this time, and arrive at the clearing in about 10 minutes.
         "Jesus, why are there so many goddamn houses?"
      I mumble to myself, walking from house to house in the single street. This place was a dump, disgusting even. I miss my family. Quinn and Evee. Oh shit, Evee! I completely forgot to tell her where I was headed! I internally panic and pause, glancing around before hurrying up, frantically searching the houses, raiding barns, taking whatever supplies is still in the stores, and occasionally searching any corpses bodies, clothes, and pockets. I'm not weird so no, I did not touch the bodies weirdly. 'Wait.' I think to myself, realizing something and chuckling. 'Why am I so worried? Quinn is with Evee.' I have never been so glad I was a silent laugher, my throat was beginning to hurt from laughter. I pinch my side tightly and wince, stopping my laughter. I continue walking through the streets and searching different areas. I hear something, shooting. My head turns to it and as expected I spot a tiny barn with a child in front of it. Blue hair, crossbow in hand, brown sweater uniform. Nico.
      I tie up my hair so that I don't over heat and sprint towards the barn, pushing the crossbow out of the kids hands and wrapping him in a tight and warm embrace. My motherly aura was showing but I couldn't care less at that moment.
        "Hey, bud."
      I say, my voice muffled partially from my face laying on his shoulder, and partially from my tears and cries.
        "Hey, Eve."
      I heard his soft and gentle voice. God how I missed these kids. I felt a wet substance fall onto my shoulder and instantly knew, his voice was muffled from the same reasons as me. I eventually let him go and lean down to his level
         "Where's- um, Morgan and Luca?"
      I ask, sniffling halfway through each sentence.
         "Just inside. Follow me."
      He says and puts a hand out. I take it, gripping onto it tightly and following him inside of the barn. I immediately let go and ran to Luca, giving him the same greeting and same emotions and hug as I gave Nico. He lets me go and Morgan slowly walks towards me. I begin to speak with a gentle smile, staring at the ground.
          "Uh- Morg...? I came to apologize for what I said. I didn't mean-"
        I am cut off with a tight, long embrace. Morgan is sniffling into my shoulder and holding me closely now, i've missed her, she's like a sibling to me.
          "No need to explain, Eve. I accept your apology and I love you so so much. You're like the sister I never had and always needed and I thank you so much for that."
       I heard her manage to say, and that was the only conformation that I needed. I tightly wrapped my arms around her as well, holding her closely.
           "Do you know how much I did? I walked through the forest in the snow and slept on single branches of trees while creepers walked underneath me. That's how dedicated I was to get to you."
        I speak gently, holding her even tighter.
           "Evelyn Winter, you are the best sister i've ever had."
           "Morgan Parker, I feel the same way about you."

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