Chapter 3: Nightmare On Death Road - THE TWINS POV

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(guide: Italic=luca, Normal=both, Bold=nico) The voting of everyone ended, of course we were selected for the expedition because everyone was a bit weary of us, but everyone else was debating if someone should go with us as we were still young, in the end they ended up sending us off in a car and just prayed that we didnt crash it. It took some training but after around 40 minutes we ended up sneaking around the corner of a tall building in a city. My powers were weaker than usual, so we had to find resources until they were restored, which would be a while. I had to try and walk as normal as possible to avoid my brother noticing my limp, I hadnt yet told him about how weak my body got after i used my power too much. I could see my brother limping, except i couldnt tell why. He hadnt been cut or hurt on his leg at all from my knowledge but perhaps he had gotten injured lately without me seeing. I decided to focus on the mission instead and find out later, I know how irritated he gets when i'm persistent. We both ended up in the building successfully, but I could tell we weren't as safe as it seemed. So I put my hand down to my pocket and placed my finger on the trigger of my pistol, prepared to shoot. We both continued ahead until we reached a library floor, and decided to look through a few books.
"Huh, this is odd. Why is there a childs book in the adult romance section?"
I asked as I held up 'Poor Richards Almanack' By Benjamin Franklin
"Hmm. I have no clue, you might wanna hold on to it though, we could use it for fire fuel."
  I suggested as I grabbed a book from a shelf and continued on to the next room.
"Hey! Wait up!"
I called to him as I shoved the book into my bag and rushed after him. I finally caught up to him, he looked frozen. I looked down at his hand to see his finger on the trigger of the handgun.
"Whats wrong? tell me."
  I said as i grabbed the gun from his hand
"It's terrible. Just look around."
I heard him say with a shaky voice, then looked up at the roof.
"Holy shit."
I said as I looked around, there were guts everywhere, corpses growling from the ceiling, their necks wrapped with blood and rope, from my eyes I could see about 20 corpses, I clenched my fists and decided that enough was enough.
"Hey hey listen it's fine. we can just put them out of their misery."
I slided his gun back in his hand
I said with a stutter and lifted my gun as he lifted his, I hesitated and turned my head before I shot at the heads until all of them were no longer growling or groaning.
  "Let's go."
I heard Nico say as he grabbed my hand and brung me into the next room slowly, gun raised. I raised my gun as we crept into the next room, searching the drawers and adding anything we found onto our bags. i ended up adding 3 pill bottles, 1 water bottle, and 3 cans of canned soup.
  "What did you find?"
   I heard my brother ask as I zipped up my bag
"Just some bandages, a water bottle, And a bit of canned food."
  I replied as we both got up and tossed our bags on our shoulders.
"I think we should leave now, this is all we're gonna find."
I spoke, then opened the door to go back to the last room we were in, then grabbed my brothers hand and ran through the doorway,  going to the first room we went to, then suddenly he pulled me to a supply closet
"Shush, we left the door open."
I said quietly as I locked the supply closet door
"Shit. did you see any out there?"
  I whispered to him, and pressed my ear against the door
  "I saw one. I think we can handle it right?"
I say as he opened the door, knife raised, but before he could answer he stabbed the tall corpse in the head.
"Lets go before another shows up."
I said as I grabbed my brothers hand, and ran straight to the forest, then I let go and we continued walking through the forest
"Close call."
  I said as we walked straight to the base, then knocked on the gates twice as they opened.
  "We had a close encounter back there with those stupid brainchildren. It's only gonna get worse."
I said to the group as the gates closed, and we threw the bags on the ground.
"Runs arent going too good so far, I can only imagine the future."
  I said, hearing bangs and growls in my head, nodding from agreement but also trying to ignore the trauma. Killing innocent people isn't always easy.

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