Chapter 5: The Separation - Evelyns POV

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I walked to the gates, I was on watch and I had to make sure that our group was safe. Words kept repeating in my head.
"They die everyday"
"Nobody can stop it"
I continued walking with an angry look on my face, I ran to where I was supposed to be and grabbed my gun, I stood on the tower above the gates and watched over. I took a few short quick breaths and then went back to watching over the gate with keen eyes. Eventually my watch was over and I immediately climbed down and handed Morgan the gun, then went back to my room in the prison. Evee was waiting for me.
"Sis, why are we still here if we're all gonna die anyway?"
Her words were soft and sweet. I stuttered when speaking, before clearly saying,
"We're here to stop this. We'll make it out together, I promise."
I say with a forced smile, holding back tears, then bring her out to the kitchen.
"Here, make some sandwiches for our next expedition."
I say before going behind the building, and writing letters before sticking them into envelopes. I heard footsteps and immediately covered the letters with a cardigan,
"What are you writing this time, love?"
  My girlfriend Quinn spoke softly before sitting next to me and sketching,
"Nothing, just some thoughts"
I responded before standing up and grabbing a flower, I then softly smiled and passed it her, she thanked me then I heard a scream, it sounded like... Evee? I ran as fast as I possibly could, there I saw my six year old sister on the ground, one of the undead bitches approaching her. I saw Morgan nearby not paying attention, but I was more focused on my sister. I grabbed my pocket knife and it was impossible to time how quickly I ran. I practically sprinted over to her and stabbed the... Thing... in the head. It's blood spilt all over the ground but luckily Evee didn't see since she had her head tucked into Quinn's arms. I immediately grabbed my sister and hugged her closely, tearing up and saying
"It's alright, i'm here, you're okay."
I lectured Morgan for hours about how she needs to pay more attention until she said
  "Well maybe it would be better if we split up the group!"
I froze. I had thought of that before but out of spite, I just nodded. Morgan and the twins went together and exited the gates with their things in hand. I closed the gates and a tear ran down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away and repeated to myself:
  "Crying is for the weak, the weak don't survive."
Then finally the gates completely closed. I looked back at my sister and Quinn, then walked back to my room with my head down. I silently spoke to myself whilst walking.
"Why would I say that?"
  "I'm a terrible person."
"What have I done?"
I snapped out of it and yelled at myself silently, then I locked my door and slowly reached over to my desk, a small blade on top of it. I turned my head away and dragged the blade across my inner thigh. The blood came dripping out slowly and I winced for a second then put the blade back and put a bandage around it. I cried myself to sleep that night, and I think that was the first time I had cried since the night I was brought to the lab. I had a quick nightmare once I had fallen asleep, I could hear the ringing of the bomb we had set off in my head over and over again, I heard the growling and the crackling fires, I smelt the flames and the smell of rotting flesh, and I saw the corpses, flames, dirt, and other people all over again. This was a true nightmare and I knew it. I woke up the moment I was about to die and was breathing extremely heavily in my bed, my eyes scattered across my room before focusing on my floor. I thought a lot that day, and spent most of the thinking time in my room. I had wondered how the others were doing, and prayed they weren't dead because of me. I changed into a sweater that I was gifted by Quinn, I felt like breaking down right there, what was life for? Maybe Evee was right, we all die eventually and there's no point. Maybe i'm meant to gone. Maybe they're better off without me. I take out a notebook and pen, writing quickly:
| 'My love, |
| I must leave, you and Evee are better |
| off without me. Please care for her |
| in the way that you care for me. |
| |
| Love, Evelyn. |

I left the note on Quinn's desk, I need the others. They are my friends and I cannot leave my friends behind. I'm sorry, love, but this is important to me.

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