Removing the mask

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Abhimanyu Birla did not get nervous. In fact, he could not remember ever a time he had felt nervous in his entire lifetime. Besides, for matters pertaining to Akshara of course - those were matters of the heart and he had experienced every single emotion with her.

Besides that, he was generally always calm and collected, confident in his ways.

But standing outside, leaning against his car, playing around with his cufflinks as he stared at the haveli, he realised.

He was nervous.

He was beyond excited to meet Rosie but standing outside he realised he had never confronted his past.

It had always been him, even as a little kid, coming to terms with things himself.

And now he had someone he could turn to.

Someone who shared fond memories of his Ma.

It was an exciting but nerve-wracking thought.

His own Father had been so consumed in his despair that he had turned his shoulder away. Abhimanyu did not blame him but he desperately wished his life would have been different. That he could turn to him and say the words, 'Papa', to have someone to share his feelings with. But no, this little kid had grown up himself.

Breaking his thoughts, he focused on the beacon of light that walked out of the haveli door.

His angel.

His Akshara.

Smiling sweetly at him as she was dressed in a lavender salwar kameez, hair braided down in a neat ponytail.

He had never seen her in a salwar kameez.

But now that he had, there was no going back.

He was so in love.

He could not take his eyes off of her

She gave him a cheeky smile as she stopped a couple of metres in front of him facing him.

And then all of a sudden she ran to him with so much force, that he picked her up and twirled her around. He adored the giggles that erupted from her.

Placing her on the ground, she crept her fingers up his neck, resting them on the necklace that sat around his neck. Standing up on her tippy toes, she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and then landed back.

"Hi..." she whispered sweetly.

And he felt his heart beat faster than ever, "Hi" he whispered back.

Oh Akshara, the magic she had over him.

She placed her hand in front of him and he raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Ready?" she said and he slid his fingers over her, nodding his head.



An hour later, Abhimanyu found himself seated at the dining table with Rosie feeding him a number of different dishes. As soon as she had laid eyes on him, she pulled him into a hug and started crying straight away.

"Mera baccha..." she had said in a motherly fashion, caressing his head and Akshara had watched onwards, her own tears pooling as she looked at the two people she loved the most in satisfaction.

Any nerves that Abhimanyu had felt, had dissipated instantly. Rosie's touch was warm and motherly and he instantly felt at ease.

Upon meeting her properly, more and more memories flashed back. He did not realise how much he too had suppressed and Akshara had looked at him gently, knowing all too well the feeling, as she enveloped him in her own arms and rubbed his knuckles.

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