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I don't normally like to waste my time, but for whatever reason I took a quiet minute for myself outside the building where the shoot was scheduled. There I was minding my own business, and I'm glad I didn't go straight in, or I would have missed the sexiest thing I've seen in a long time. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a lot of sexy women do a lot of sexy things especially in order to get my attention or to seduce me, but this was so natural and effortless, it caught me hook, line, and sinker.

The way that woman put that lollipop in her mouth and moaned made my dick so hard that I had to wait before going inside. It sure as hell surprised me, that sort of shit hasn't happened to me since high school. She was a hot mess when she got out of the taxi that seemed to disappear almost instantly once she straightened herself out and sucked on that candy.

It almost didn't register when she told me to take a picture, but when the words finally sunk in, I obliged. I spent the next 5 minutes staring at that photo until my sister arrived. Half-sister to be precise; same father different mothers.

Laurie is the only person I've found that has been able to handle me and the shit I throw as my assistant. I'm not the easiest person to get along with, and most assistants tend to be female which can cause problems. So many in the past have sought the position just to snake their way into my bed or my wallet that in the end I just hired Laurie, though she has made it loud and clear that if I don't give her more time off to actually live a life, then she'll leave me entirely. I'd be lost.

Laurie glances over at my phone at the picture of the lollipop girl, "Who's that?"

I quickly turn off my phone and pocket it, "You're late."

"No, you're just early, and don't deflect. You can't be taking pictures of random women on the street, what the hell's wrong with you?"

I shrug, "I guess I'm just a pervert. Let's go."

As we make our way to the elevator Laurie goes through my itinerary for the day. I barely hear a word and catch my mind wandering. It's not like me to be so unfocused. I look down at Laurie who just keeps reading an email about the dinner meeting we have with one of our clients later today.

We make our way to Studio 1, and my eyes seem to locate the woman from downstairs right away as she slips something into a trash can. She's still got that thing in her mouth, and I look away immediately. If I let her distract me I could get myself into all sorts of trouble. The moment people see me come in they all flock over to us, introducing themselves and shaking my hand.

I'm led to the hair and make-up area and confronted by a woman who introduces herself as Cindy, "I just wanted to go over some looks with you if that's alright. I have a few suits-"

I cut her off, "No."

"Alright, how about we play with a few different ties? I have some beautiful watches that aren't on the market yet-"

"No," I say again and watch her face go through a series of strange and amusing expressions.

No doubt she's trying to hide whatever she's really feeling and plastered on a fake smile, "Alright, well, if you change your mind Valerie has some amazing accessories set up over there that I can take you through," Cindy motions to a table on the other side of the room where lollipop girl talks with the photographer's assistant. So that's Valerie.

Valerie's laughter fills the room, and I feel myself shooting daggers at the man I don't even know wishing he'd spontaneously combust. She's magnetic. Absolutely flawless, radiant brown skin, fierce almost cat-like golden eyes, and those sensual lips scream to be devoured.

I'm not exactly sure what this woman has done to me, but I don't enjoy feeling, whatever it might be.

I don't watch her, but I know exactly where she is in the studio as the shoot starts. I try to ignore her and get through being the professional I strive to be, but Valerie ignores me the entire time and it's infuriating. When it comes right down to it, I want her to see me, I want her to want me.

The shoot was only scheduled for twenty minutes, but fifteen minutes in I waved Laurie over and discreetly tell her to push back whatever we had up next.

"If you had listened in the elevator, you would know that I left an hour free for after the shoot," she says in Japanese before heading over to the catering table where Valerie makes herself another coffee. That's her third in fifteen minutes, but who's counting?

Laurie and Valerie seem to hit it off, and within seconds they're both laughing, which infuriates me even more.

"Excuse me a moment," I stand up off the stool and button up my jacket, "Where may I find the bathroom?"

An assistant shows me the way and I take a moment to decompress. I haven't been so affected by a woman since Deborah. Ever since she ripped out my heart and impaled it with those Christian Louboutins I paid for, the standards have gone up to such unrealistic heights that no woman really stands a chance. I automatically assume no one is ever good enough and push them away.

Yes, I'm an asshole, I know, but it's the only coping mechanism that's worked for me. Until now it seems, because I don't want to push this Goddess away

I look myself over in the mirror, there's nothing to not like, right? Why is she ignoring me? Maybe Valerie has a boyfriend?

I move my tie so that it's a little off-center. Not too much, just enough to be noticeable, and I make my way back to the studio.

The moment the photographer takes a shot it comes up on the computer screen one of the assistants is operating; Valerie instantly spots the unbalanced tie. Gotcha.

Valerie looks around the studio, "Cindy? Where's Cindy?"

The strange bald guy, Jimmy I think his name was, shrugs. Valerie's eyes shoot straight to me and then to my tie. Perfect, she's going to come to fix it. Valerie narrows her eyes at me, she looks at the tie and back at me. She knows. Busted.

Valerie shakes her head at me, and I swear I can hear her tutting even from here. Clever girl, she's figured me out. She doesn't budge and holds my gaze.

"This jacket is feeling a little dull. A pocket square, perhaps." I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

Come on Valerie, come play with me.

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now