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Meeting Arthur yesterday turned out to be a huge success. He came into my office completely guarded until I told him about my plan to propose to Mel. Arthur thought it was a little soon, but I told him I had no intention of letting Mel slip out of my fingers.

"We don't have to get married straight away, but I want to get the ball rolling. She and are on the same page, and we've even discussed starting a family."

I watched closely as Arthur's mask slowly slipped and he started to smile, "Right," he claps his hands together and started rubbing them as if suddenly becoming my accomplice in the plan, "take her sailing, she loves sailing just like her mother. Do you have a boat?"

I nod, "That was easier than I thought it would be. It doesn't bother you that we're competitors?"

"If my little girl is suddenly talking about babies then I don't care what business you're in as long as you're there for her and the children, and assuming since you didn't exactly have the best relationship with your father, I know you're probably the type to swing in the opposite direction."

I smirk, "That's probably very true."

"I wasn't there as much as I should have been, don't make the same mistakes I did. I may have provided her with a somewhat cushy life, but I wasn't around to experience most of it." Arthur groans and looks around in thought, "I suppose she'll leave the company again."

"Most likely. I believe Mel already has something lined up that offers more free time to enjoy life, as it were."

Arthur laughs and wipes a tear from his eye, "I'll fire her today, it'll be a hoot."

Arthur Martin left my office a happy man, he even hugged me. After everything that's happened, I'm glad at least one thing is going my way, and even more grateful it's this one thing, it's a big one, yet for whatever reason, I'm not nervous about it, not one bit. She was my Mrs. Knight from day one.

The first thing I did when we reached the bedroom was slip that ring on her finger, "Holy cow Charlie, it's beautiful."

"I hope you don't mind a ring with a history."

"Are you kidding, it's perfect. Do you know anything about who owned it?"

"An Austrian Dutchess. I can send you the file the jewelers sent, it's pretty cool. This piece survived World War II just to be on your gorgeous finger," Mel smirks when I pull her into me by her belt and start to undo it.

"It reminds me of your pink suit," Mel says as she starts to lift up my shirt and I help her get it off.

"I'm glad you noticed," I hold Mel by her face and gaze into her eyes, "that was the best goddamned day of my entire life."

I couldn't resist those lips any longer and took them with mine. I'm not sure if it was getting engaged, or telling her that I loved her, but everything was different that night. The way her lips kissed mine back, the way her body reacted to my touch, it was intense. I was so lost in her that I lost track of time for the dinner I planned for us on deck until one of the crew knocked on the door to let us know it was ready. The original plan to propose was a whole lot more romantic but Mel's line of questioning blew that out of the water and it just kind of happened. Totes.

We sit at the table on the deck. The crew did a great job with making it romantic with string lights and music. They'll get a bonus for this one. As the sun sets, I take a mental picture in mind of Mel. The way the pink tones of light hit her skin and eyes; she looks absolutely stunning. I take Mel's hand from across the table and kiss it. Just seeing that ring on Mel's finger made me ecstatic, everything about this moment is perfect right now.

"What did my troublemaker get up to today?"

"I met with Cindy this morning. Now that I'm technically unemployed we're all set to start the brand, Brenda's already started a press packet and making a list of events and shows. She's unstoppable."

"I'm so proud of you Honey, and I'm very much looking forward to being your arm candy for your shows."

Mel smiles, "Mm, yes please. I was thinking of hiring Jessica Rollins to model the mom role for the line." I eye Mel unable to tell if she's being serious, "You should see your face right now, classic, "she shakes her head and chuckles as she continues to eat.

"You're terrible."

"And you want to marry me anyway," she does an evil chuckle, "fool."

"Pick a date Honey, the sooner the better."

"Meet me at Town Hall tomorrow at noon. Bring Laurie and Archie, and I'll bring Brenda. You got a best man?"

"Are you serious? I can't tell with you sometimes."

She looks at me and leans back in her seat, "Yes. I don't really need a big wedding, do you?"

"It'd be nice, yes, plus I'd want my mother to come."

"Are you going to be a groomzilla?"

"You bet; I don't plan on getting married a second time. I want to show you off, sue me."

Mel chuckles, "How about this, you set the date, pick the location, do whatever you want, I have maybe ten people that I'd actually want there. I'll just show up."

"You want me to plan the wedding?"

Mel shrugs, "I want to marry you Charlie, I don't really care how it happens as long as it happens."

Damn, I didn't think I could fall harder for Mel if I tried, "Fine, but I get to pick the dress."

She smiles, "As long as there aren't pictures of your face all over it."

"Damn, you read my mind," we laugh, "Fine, no pictures of my face." I hold out my hand for her to shake, "Do we have a deal?"

Mels smirks, puts down her knife and shakes my hand, "Deal."

The "Stylist" | Book I in a Series of Mistaken IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now